
Who can tell me bout lilith??? is she a hero for women???

by Guest62012  |  earlier

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is lilith a hero to women??? or is she an evil demon??? an y dosent the bible talk bout her???




  1. why should a woman who believed she was equal to Adam be considered a demon?  She's a hero to me.

    p.s. don't listen to John, he dropped out of school in the fourth grade, which explains why he doesn't know ****.

  2. Lilith was Frasier's wife

  3. ok Lilith could be considered the father of humanities first wife.

        Lilith could be described as domineering.

    Pretty much it was a case of Dominant Adam, Dominant Lilith=divorce.

      I suppose to feminist's. Adam would not yield to her so she left and consorted with demons.

         Lilith consorted with demons. And became demonic like.

    But I doubt it was a case of demanding to be an equal.

         In the story's that have eve in it ,it is clear Adam and Eve shared a common equality.

    Lilith wanted what feminist's want today. Superiority. She wouldn't be the first contemporary feminist but perhaps the first radical feminist.

  4. "Lilith (Hebrew לילית) is a mythological female Mesopotamian storm demon associated with wind and was thought to be a bearer of disease, illness, and death. The figure of Lilith first appeared in a class of wind and storm demons or spirits as Lilitu, in Sumer, circa 4000 BC. Many scholars place the origin of the phonetic name "Lilith" at somewhere around 700 BC despite post-dating even the time of Moses.[1] Lilith appears as a night demon in Jewish lore and as a screech owl in the King James version of the Bible."

  5. Well Baba Yaga got part of it right Lilith wasn't thrown out of Eden because she wanted equality she was thrown out because she sowed discord much like feminists do now.

    So she was supposedly the first feminist. She wasn't happy with anything just like feminists today.

    She is not in the canonized bible but I believe she is mentioned in the Apocarpha and in other Hebrew texts. She supposedly became a demon who caused men to spill their seed while sleeping and was also blamed for crib death in infants.

    The word luliby was coined as the term for songs mothers sang to ward off Lilith. Lilith never existed Eve was the first woman.

    Edit: I will have to look up the screeching owl thing if I am wrong about that apart then my apologies.

  6. No she isn't a hero to any woman, she was considered by the Jews as a she-demon who made the land into wilderness.(mentioned in Isaiah 34:14) also another name for seductress...

    She was child killer in Greco-Roman mythology and a child stealer in Arabic myths.

  7. Some say Lilith was the mythological first wife of Adam; whether that means if she was the same as Eve and or before Eve is not known.  Lilith was also a Mesopotamian storm demon.  

    *And in that 1st link that picture wasn't my idea.

    Anyway; I included some links that might help you.

  8. She was an interesting mythology creature dating as far back as the Sumerians.  In Sumerian mythology, she was the handmaiden of Inanna who was a very powerful goddess of s*x and war.  

    Later, she was depicted as Adam's first wife.  Unlike Eve, her and Adam were created at the same time and from the same material.  As a result, she felt they were equal and refused to lie beneath him during s*x.  She left Adam (using the name of God, which is interesting that she would've known at all and recalls another older tale of Ishtar (Babylonian version of Inanna) doing the same thing.  When the angels of God can't convince her to come back to Adam (a rather strong move for her-- she chose independence over paradise), she was punished by having all her children become demons.  Likewise, all demons would be killed on the same day (so the world would not be over run by these children).

    She is, in this tale, the first succubus.

    She IS mentioned in the bible, but mostly by her references of the screech owl and as "she" as opposed to by name.  Of course, her name may not have been Lilith as we know it now.

    Regardless if Lilith is a hero for women (though she does come off as a strong character) the interesting part of the myth is that there were people out there during that time that understood the idea of female and male equality.

  9. My grandma, lol.

    She is believed to have been the woman created prior to Eve and she displeased God, according to the legend.  I cannot answer why its not in the Bible because I am not THAT old, lol, and I was not around when that was decided.  She is claimed to have been of great, great beauty and sexuality.  I am sure there are some who would call her an evil demon, but we have nothing that supports that.

  10. Lilith is a mythological storm demon. My friend and I just talked about Lilith since he had a dream with her in it. Lilith was a night demon in Jewish folklore. It was also suggested that Lilith was actually Adam's first wife in the bible. In the biblical sense, man decided because she would not submit to Adam that she was an evil ***** (no surprise there...)

    I feel like the bottom line is that she is another myth passed along from a time long before the bible. If she was in fact a real person, she apparently pissed someone off since most stories made her wicked. Of course there was the goddess rendition of her as well. Who knows? We weren't there.  

  11. Legend has it that Lilith was Adam's first wife, and was tossed out of Eden because she thought she was Adam's equal.  That's why the Bible doesn't talk about her, the writers didn't want women thinking they could get away with that.  

    She was no demon.  I have seen her referred to as the first feminist.  She can be a hero if you want her to be.

  12. baba is depends upon which version of the bible you read.

    In kind james version she was a horrible monster

    in the older texts...she was created at the same time as Adam from the same clay.  

    These older text have an more interesting view of eve as well.  The snake literally stands for the males p***s. And the apple...was her womb.

    The knowledge Eve found was s*x....with you guess it the devil.

    Which she liked and taught Adam how to do.

    Even in the king james version...shows that her sons were born at the same time or of the devil one of adam.

  13. she is my neice.

  14. She was a strong woman, intelligent enough to know that she should not serve someone just because of gender.

    Personally I think she should be looked up to.

  15. I have a Lilith backpiece... tattoo.

    It features Lilith on a cross with two kneeling women beside her drinking tea, in front of a background of flames and stars. I based this tattoo around the myth of Lilith going as follows:

    In the beginning, God created Adam from the earth and Lilith from fire. They had a rather contentious relationship which culminated in Adam demanding that Lilith prostrate herself on the ground before him. When she refused, Adam complained to God that the woman God had given him refused to allow him to rule over her. God then took Lilith from Adam and turned her from a woman into starlight, and filled the sky with her beauty. He then gave Adam a more subservient mate to prevent more contention. Therefore, Lilith was the first feminist, and yes, she's kind of a 'hero' for me, insofar as one can look up to a mythological creature.

  16. there was only Adam and Eve. Lilith were perhaps, a fictional character. somebody who never existed, actually. perhaps they made her up with certain personality out of their observations on the development of female associations in the society.

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