
Who can tell me how to get my money back please.?

by  |  earlier

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I ordered my bed from Dreams said it would come today no BED, told me i have to wait 28 days, was not told that when i ordered it on delivery note its says today.Then they tell me its ok we have one in the warehouse we can delivery saturday. Now i have just had a call to say sorry its not in the warehouse, you will have to wait 28 days.I wanted a refund and was told NO payed cash 395.00.Please help.




  1. Make copies of your reciept and send it with your story to all the local authorities, get a reporter from a local news source to go to the store with you.

    Do not play nice, they haven't. Don't let them play you for a git. I hope you give them a right kick up the bum.

  2. I think that delivery is part of the contract you entered with them when you paid, they MAY therefore be in breach of contract, entitling you to a refund - check with your local trading standards office, tell Dreams that's what you're doing, they may swing for at least a discount without further ado.

  3. Wow.....Wait

  4. First of all, paying cash is not a very good idea.but if you did pay cash you should have gotten some sort of receipt.They should also have some sort of refund policy listed somewhere. I would try to research that, because they're gonna say no refunds because they want your money. But if you can find it in writing they have to honor it.

  5. Have you asked them for your money back? That would be a good start.

  6. Oh h**l no!!  Go up there and cause a big scene, they'll do whatever you want, which is embarrassing but it will work.  Funny thing is, I'd think about it but never be able to do it, lol!  Otherwise, you can go to a Better Business Bureau or talk to the manager in person but other than those options I guess you gotta wait.  But it'd be fun to watch you raise h**l in there!

  7. Get your the fine print and then go to the store and demand a refund. Dont settle for that c**p. I am sorry that people suck!

  8. I wouldn't have thought they can do this, threaten them with trading standards, and the local press, this should do the trick.

  9. If you were given a specific delivery date they should have to honour it. I suspect that if you read the small print on either the receipt or invoice it will have a get out clause. Even so, if you were assured of the delivery date, even verbally, they have broken the contract. If you weren't told in store of the delivery date you will have to lump it. Ask to see the store manager. Stay calm but insist on a refund. If no joy ask to speak to the district manager or head office. The offer of a credit note is an admission that they have f*cked up.

  10. go and see your local training standards office I am not 100% certain but am 99% certain that they have to give you your money back by law so get down to your local trading standards office with all the documents you have letters everything and they should sort it out for you.

    I have a vague memory of them doing this sort of thing before I think it was on watchdog so you could also try contacting them as well  

  11. you are entitled to a refund, im shocked they said no, call up again and if you get the same response; ask for the number for head office and explain to somebody higher up the ladder. hope this works for you.

  12. All those bed and sofa companies are the same. I had to wat for stuff FOR SIX MONTHS because the "ship was delayed in Italy", whatever that was supposed to mean, and of course, letters to the MD only came back "In the conditions it says...." which, in English, meant "Don't waste your time complaining - we couldn't care less " ! ! !

  13. If you have a receipt, present that to the store for a full refund (pending the fine print on the back).

    If they continue to refuse, I would talk to an attorney in order to get your money or a bed ASAP!

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