
Who can tell me the foolproof formula of success.?

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Who can tell me the foolproof formula of success.?




  1. drive, get a drive

  2. The secret of success is sincerity。 Once you can fake that you have got it made。

  3. Hard work

  4. here's one -

    beauty + brains = success

  5. Get past failure.

  6. Foolproof formula?

    Believing that you can do it. Why make a dream if  don't think u can? You need confidence.

    But I think there is no same foolproof formula. It is within that person's strength.

  7. Never try to differentiate success and fasilure to each other. There is no such variation enjoy the life as it is.

  8. "Life is a mirror - we get out of it just hat we put into it". And wishing won't make it so - but doing something to make those dreams come true. One formula is Prepare and Persevere. And try to follow Disraeli's admonition: " The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  9. there is no foolproof formula of success. you just have do your best and be confident

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