
Who can tell me what questions to ask at unemployment hearing

by  |  earlier

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i have a hearing scheduled with the unemployment board of appeals and i am taking along 2 witnesses one of them is the manager of the s tore i was employed at .i am appealing a decision where i was denied 8 weeks of benefits for misconduct for having a tape recorder at a meeting but the meeting was over and he had already asked me to leave the store before he asked me to turn the recorder off he only asked for it to be turned off when i asked for my paycheck but i just need to know what to expect at the hearing and what questions to ask




  1. Unless the witness have personal information of the final incident where you where recording the meeting they will not be allowed to testify,

    But your real issue lies in the fact that you do not deny you where tap recording the meeting, just when they requested for you to turn it off? If so all the appeal has to find was it a violation of company policy to be tape recording the meeting, if they find so then you loose, its immaterial to when they requested you to cease

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