
Who can tell me what time the AFL Grandfinal kicks off this year (2008)?

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Who can tell me what time the AFL Grandfinal kicks off this year (2008)?




  1. The GF always starts later than a normal saturaday arvo game, I reckon it starts about 2.50 or thereabouts, definitely not 2.10 as somebody else mentioned

  2. Ring Channel 7 or 10 - they will tell you - they decide evrything nowadays as to who  plays who; where the games are played; what time they start etc.

    The AFL sold their soul to those two channels.

  3. Its the last Saturday in September, and it starts at about 2.10pm its the same time every year.

  4. The umpires officiating the game.

  5. Isn't it usually 2:30? I think it may have even been closer to 3pm last year. The pre-match entertainment of the GF tends to drag the starting time out to later than a usual Saturday arvo game.

  6. I am pretty sure it will be 2:45, after some no hoper singer from Australian Idol has wrecked the National Anthem again.

  7. Last Satdy of September n the bounce starts at bout 3:00

    Go Hawks

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