
Who can tell the difference from a rich person and a poor one?

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Does rich stand for money to you?




  1. No, money does not make you truly rich, except materially.

    Rich is when you find the answers and are content with yourself

    and learn the important meanings in life and apply them to your own.

    A person can wear the shabbiest clothes, and still be one of the

    richest people around if they have learned the laws of nature, and

    can appreciate the beauty of what is free. Like sunsets, the trees,

    and all of nature. A person who has learned that wisdom is

    knowledge and beauty is in ones soul is one of the richest

    people around. To be able to understand and feel another ones

    pain and joy and caring about others is a  sign of richness to me.

  2. The blind appear to be handicapped. But Almighty gives

    them some extra sensitivity in some other perception

    organ like ear or touch. Have you not observed this?

    They live close to nature and enjoy all that is part of

    it. Their minds breed on what is natural and less on

    what is artificial. They are probably the nature's

    ideal for what is living.

    Property separates people and poverty joins people.

    People of poverty enjoy more close personal

    relationships which are highly heartening. Their mutual

    understanding as a group is incomparable. It is we who

    are poor in such relationships.

  3. Rich might mean the quality of the clothing, the size of the bank balance or the car outside the door, the private school attended, the attitude of looking down one's nose at others  ....  but not necessarily.  There are lots of very nice, ordinary  rich people, and plenty of others who have less but convey the impression they think they are God's gift to mankind.  Money -  or the aspiration to have plenty  -  would certainly be a big part of the equation.

  4. Yes it does. The only time you worry about money is when you havn`t got any.

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