
Who can think of a cool catchy name for a jewellery business?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm starting my own jewellery business and I can't decide on a name. Any ideas?! Thank :)




  1. Enchantment or mesmerize...its up to you...its your ouwn business...What matters is the product is good and affordable. That its not only a woman's thing but also men..that's all..

  2. All That Glitters.

  3. How about coal miner's daughter

  4. Good idea to post your question, I'm going to do this next time I have to name something.

    What about:

    Gold & Ice (You'll attract the hip hop community for sure)

    Enternal (diamonds are forever)

    Love Rocks

    I would suggest specializing in a certian stone and name your business accordingly.

  5. Bling bling or Booty, Incrusted  all i can think of right now

  6. Frost yourself....I suddenly remembered that from the movie "10 things I hate about you." If you haven't seen that movie, "Frost yourself" was the line used by an advertising company for a diamond store.

  7. "Sparkle" jewelry store? Good luck.

  8. RaZZle DaZzLe!!

  9. unless you are goin to give me something Family Jewells

  10. Baubles of Love.

    Or something with Baubles. It a word for Precious Stones.

  11. Diamonds in the Ruff.

  12. Gems R us.

    Ice is Nice.


  13. I wondered about referring to ancient cultures that had a lot of gold and jewels to get something like: Aztec Jewellers or Inca Jewellers. I think Mayan is already used.

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