
Who can think of the most random phrase (10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!) ?

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Who can think of the most random phrase (10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!) ?




  1. If there are levels to it it cannot be random.

  2. dolphins have s*x for pleasure.

  3. Giggling fruit trees eat green pie with frozen panda bears for frisbee.

  4. Fully reproachable snack.

  5. Twas brillig and the slithey toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe

  6. "if you can't say anything nice about somebody come sit next to me"! it's my ALLTIME FAVORITE movie line.

  7. Dog barnacle underneath the coleslaw hippo tuba.

  8. the walrus pudding of Poseidon shall eat your great uncles ovaries!!!! (said in a Scottish accent)

  9. >>innocent bodies blasted to smithereens...

    >>towards the unforgiving blackness of outer space...

    Can think of these only. Keep posting more, next time. Cheers! :-))

  10. how much would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood....

  11. see! he looks like a monkey

    Here" looks like " is a phrase

  12. I use my p***s to plug up ant holes.

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