
Who can translate me the following text from VietNam to English?

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Mục Tiêu: tim ban hièn lành that thà co nhan dao

Giờ Rãnh Rỗi: don dep nhà, và lo cho con ,va mong muon di du lich o noi vung khi hau am va di bien,Thu hay thich gon sach nha va nau an cho nguoi minh thich!

Tôi Là: song hien voi con,càn nguoi tam su, hieu biét và thong cam và co tam long chan that trong luong,và nguoi vui ve néu hop qua nhung y tren , mong xin ban dén cung voi minh ,se thành that gui hinh dén ban khi gui email den Thu.merci anh thoi gian nghi toi Thu.

Tìm Kiếm: nguoi càn hieu su doi , và di làm ,cung chung song vui ve di doi voi nhau néu thoi ranh ,di bien hoac tham ngoui quen than men,T rat thich hop cuoc song hop voi nhau voi su vui ve ben canh nhau.......hen gap sau khi duoc lien lac nhau .




  1. You didn't put the accents so it's a little hard, even to people who speak Vietnamese (like me). But anyway, I tried my best, and here the translation:

    "Purpose: to find a nice, honest, humane companion

    Free time: like to clean up, take care for children, travel to the beaches and tropic places. Thu (supposed to be her name, Vietnamese sometimes use their name instead of "I") like reading books and cooking for my beloved person. (You typed it "gon sach", but I think it's "doc sach" - reading books)

    About me: living with my children, need someone to share my thoughts, who has sympathy and honesty. If you find yourself is suitable, I hope you will come and live with me. I'll send you my picture after you e-mail me.

    Thu. merci (French?) for spending your time for me.

    Looking for: a person who has experience of life, has a job, living happily together. In spare time, we'll travel or visit relatives. T love the life with a suitable person and living happily together. Hope an appointment after mails."

    I'm sorry, I'm not really good in English. Plus, the grammar of Vietnamese text below is kinda weird.

    Hope it can help :)

  2. The previous translator did a great job considering the message without accent marks, but I want to give the 2nd version to clarify things and hope you will not misinterpret the original message, since impression counts here :)

    Objective: Looking for a nice and honest male

    Free Time:  Cleaning and taking care of my kids.  Hope to travel to warm whether places and beaches.  I like to tidy up my house and cook for those I cherish!

    About Me: Currently live with my children.  Need a good companion who is honest and caring. If you share the above interests, please contact me.  Will send you my picture via email when you email me.  Merci...for your time in thinking of me.

    Looking For: Experience in life, working, enjoy living together, go to the beaches or visiting relatives/friends on free time. I like to have a harmony and happy life...see you after we get in touch.

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