
Who can translate this word from swedish in english: vanderbilt?

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Who can translate this word from swedish in english: vanderbilt?




  1. van der Bilt is not Swedish, it's Dutch.

  2. vanderbilt is a Dutch or Flemish name.

    It is made one word now, but it comes from the three words: van der Bilt.

    Van means from, der means the, but Bilt is not as easy to translate. It is not a word as such in the Dutch/Flemish language.

    There is a name of a town, De Bilt, which might be the source of the name, but that is just a guess.

  3. The Vanderbilt's are a Dutch/American family. You may know them from the University. The name could only be translated as From the Bilt, the Bilt is a small village in Holland.

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