
Who can you participat wth your professor in the class, when he explan some thing?i mean you can interrupt him

by  |  earlier

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aspecially for UV student




  1. It depends on the professor and the size of the class. In large lecture classes, I'd suggest waiting for the end of class or when he calls for questions. In smaller classes, questions may be more welcome. Do ask a question if you can't hear or if there is something you didn't understand. I always figured that if one student asked for an explanation, there were ten others who didn't understand what I said. What you don't want to do is ask a question just to ask a question. That will make you unpopular with everyone.

  2. If you have a question you think the entire class would benefit from hearing the answer to, or a point to make that would interest the entire class, don't be afraid to raise your hand and wait to be called on.

    Else, visiting after class or during office hours with your professor is a great way to interact. Many professors also have e-mail addresses you could use to converse.

    Remember, professors generally enjoy students who appear engaged and interested, and are prone to give them better grades.  Just be sure you don't go overboard by kissing up too much or appearing like you are incapable of understanding the material.  Good luck!

  3. Of course you can interrupt a professor.  Be polite about it though.  If it's a lecture class with several hundred students you might not want to do it though. Professors in general like student comments.

    You can always go to office hours to ask a question.

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