
Who cant wait for the TWILIGHT MOVIE!?

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I am so stoked! I cant wait for the movie who is with me?!?!?!? And if you have something bad to say DON'T ANSWER!




  1. I'm beyond excited...I loved all of the books and I love Robert Pattinson! I'm really happy they moved the opening date up. Less time to wait!

  2. AYE. <3

    I hope robert pattison can stand up to my Edward standards.

  3. I can't wait, but I get the feeling I'm going to be disappointed =[ I hope the film changes my opinion of Robert, since I don't really like him all that much. But perhaps he'll change my opinion of him! I too was slightly disappointed in the cast choice, but again, maybe the film will change my opinion.

    I doubt that the film will be as good as the books; are they ever? I was always severely disappointed at the Harry Potter films after eagerly waiting for them to come out, and I really can't wait for Twilight! I hope it doesn't disappoint =D

  4. it sure is a different twist on the vamp genre.

  5. MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been like staring at the screen watching previews on youtube like all day! Oh and if you order the movie Penelope n Netflix there is a sneak preview of when they are dancing in Edwards room though! But they kinda got it all wrong cuz the carpets are not gold and the couch is not black. =( But I still think it will be and awesome movie. ♥Team Edward♥  

  6. They didn't move Harry Potter because of Twilight, that's just a rumor.

    And at first I was critical of Patterson but then I realize that no guy could ever live up to what I pictured in my head.

    but Kristen Stewart is on of my favorite actresses and I'm so excited to see her play Bella, I think she a good casting choice.

  7. eh, somewhat, not such a huge deal. I don't understand why they had to move Harry Potter HBP to next summer though D:

  8. I can..... it's not going to be nearly as good as the books. I am so in love with Edward that there is NO actor on EARTH who I can think of that could be as AMAZING as he is in the books..... Same goes for poor Jacob too....

  9. I can't wait either. It seems so long away, I'm already desperate!

    I hope they don't mess it up, it would be such a waste.


  11. o yes i am excited i mite have to pre order  front row seats for me and 2 mates who also love twilight o yes cant wait

  12. ME!!!

    answer my question:

  13. I AM!!!!  

  14. I cant wait its going to be awesome

    Save Midnight Sun

  15. not me...

  16. I'm ready to go see it ASAP!

    My mom turned my on to the books a week ago. I just started number 3, and can't wait to finish.

    I'm a little disappointed with the actors that they have chosen. I guess nobody would be as perfect as what I had pictured in my head! Others I have talked to think they are gorgeous, so maybe it's just me! I hope that the rest of the movie is close to the book, but I'm sure to love it either way!

  17. I plan to shoot myself before the event.

  18. I hope it turns out good. Ill be dissapointed if it doesnt

  19. Hey,

    I'm really looking forward to it! It will be great :)


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