
Who changed their mind about not having children ever?

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How old were you when you changed your mind?




  1. I always said i never wanted to have children,  

    But at 23 i had my first and i now have 4 beautiful kids who i wouldn't change for the world.

    Never say Never  

  2. When I was younger I was certain I didn't want any children. I just was not interested in them, and the thought of having one for myself just creeped me to the bone. These thoughts lessened over the years, but I was still sure I didn't want a child.

    However around 4 years ago my sister had a child and as my sister and I are very close, I spent lots of time with her son. My husband, at the time, did not want children either. However as we spent time with our nephew, we realized that it would complete our home. My husband and I couldn't be happier together, but it seemed somewhat natural that we have a child. So, we spent over a year discussing whether or not having children is what we want, and in the end we decided we do. Now we have a beautiful 2 month old daughter, and neither of us can ever imagine life without her.

    We are both convinced that we would like to have a second, or even third child someday in the future too.

    My husband is 29 and I am 27. We got married 6 years ago.


  3. My son always said no children for him.  Well at 34 found a lovely wife and within three years a little boy and girl complete their family.  Love can make many change their minds

  4. Before, I didn't want ANY children. I came from a family where we had to share everything. The younger ones needs always came first. I was always thinking about my mom. So when I was with my then-boyfriend (now-husband), I was adamant @ not wanting kids because it was finally all about ME.

    I gradually changed my mind after I got married (I was 23-24yrs old). We have all that we've ever wanted (nothing extravagant). Experienced life & all. We then decided that having a baby might not be so bad after all. But we are 'stopping' @ one. See how it goes before trying for more.

  5. this is not an answer-i wanted kids and had them. i respect a couples right and undersatnd the decision-kids are hard work and no one should feel obligated to have them.

    However, i cringe so often when young people (under 23) make that decision-most people don't want kids at 20 yrs old-you're not supposed to. some change their minds but some don't-it just becomes part of who they are.

  6. lol im 19, i want to have children in the future but 2 months ago i change my mind i dont want to have babies forever but now i change my mind again i want to have babies

  7. when i was younger, i was adamant that i didn't want kids...only pets (i'm a veterinary nurse). my sister who has 2 daughters used to say that i'll be a crazy old lady with loads of cats! even when i met my hubby, i told him that i wasn't sure if i wanted children,and even though he did, we got married. then one year we went to florida on holiday and we went to a dinner show which had a pirate theme. at the end of the show all the kids from the audience were allowed to go running onto the stage with little swords(they were so cute), and BOOM!!!! the broodiness just hit me like that lol! my hubby couldn't believe it when i told him i wanted to try straight away for a child! i now have 2 boys and am pregnant with my 3rd.

    oh i was 28!

  8. When I was younger I wanted a big family- lots of kids. Then as I got older and into college I didn't really want kids- at all in fact and could never see myself with a family. That all changed when I met someone I could really see myself settling down with. He has a little boy from a previous marriage and we are trying to add another little one to the family now. I wouldn't change how things are for all the money in the world and am so glad things have worked out like they did. I don't think it was a matter of not wanting to get married and have a family. For me I just hadn't met that right person yet.

  9. I never wanted children, i was always on the pill and only slept with the men i had relationships with but i still fell pregnant with our daughter when i was 23 even though i was on the pill at the time, then later on when i was 25 i fell pregnant again with our son and i was on the pill then aswell, we wouldnt change them for the world though, love them to bits :-), and if i hadnt fallen pregnant the way i did then i probably would not have children now. they are the best thing thats ever happened to us :-)

    we are now actualy trying for our 3rd (we want at least one pregnancy planned) but i just cant get pregnant, the 1st two must have been 'ment to be'

  10. My husband did not want children until he got older (maybe 28 or so) and he saw our friends' children.  Now he adores our daughter, but does not want more than one.

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