
Who controls marriages? Women or men?

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What have you heard and what do you think? It appears to me women control most marriages. Am I wrong? Maybe us guys are "difficult" and I am prejudiced...




  1. women have stolen that role,men are supposed to be the head and the boss but by force women always want to be the boss.

  2. I think that really depends on personality...some women are dominant and seek submissive men.  Others are submissive and want less responsibility in decision making.  Always remember this, though...cultural myths about women "running" their marriages spring from men's general dislike of making definitive calls on subjects.  This could be a tactic to preserve harmony in the household or simply laziness...but it is an observable phenomenon nonetheless.  

    We could blame the feminist revolution of the last century, but the "Tyranny of the Petticoat" in John Adams' own words, existed long before that.  Take what you hear and what you read with a liberal pinch of salt.

  3. Neither, marriage isn't about control.

    EDIT: It's a sterotype that women control it, and maybe it's a self fullfilling prophercy like many things - people are brainwashed into believing things are done a certain way so they just go with the flow.

    Like the 'honeymood period' that is meant to end at 6 months. Peopl believe it so they don't bother to make an effort.

  4. control? each person is responsible for controlling themselves. marriage shouldn't be a parent-child relationship

  5. Marriage is a partnership, neither party is 'in control' unless something is wrong or some agreement has been reached, in which case, it could be either.

    Cheers :-)

  6. For sure the woman!

  7. ****************************************...

    Marriage is an oppressive PATRIARCHAL Institution. May not be that much today...but the roots...

    Just like sickly "weddings" yuck.


  8. The more domineering one.

  9. It depends on who wears the pants in the relationship, but women generally have their husbands wrapped around their fingers even though most wont admit it.

  10. Its 50-50

    But in my scenario i would have to control the relationship. SOME men have no sense of direction and you need to help and guide them. Everything is going to be in my name so if he decides he doesn't want to listen.He could get out of MY HOUSE, stop driving MY CAR, etc. lol

  11. they both+elders+children

  12. I want a partner.

  13. a good marriage?


    a bad marriage?

    no one, or whoever bugs the other one more

  14. Children are the ones who control the marriage. Once they are born, both parents change their lives to suit the life of the children. Their schedule and decision making adapts to the needs of their child. The whole world revolves around the little ones!

  15. If it's a good marriage neither, as it should be an equal partnership.

  16. Women who control the marriage do so because they want to maintain an intact home for their children.  They want to make sure that most of the families resources go towards raising, feeding, protecting and educating their children.  A good mother is quite fierce in this arena.  And then there's the sexual fidelity issue.  Wives are controlling because they don't want unwanted and unsavory intruders wrecking the good home she's built for her husband and children.

  17. whoever has a more dominant personality. in my household it's my mom, but with my friend its the polar opposite

  18. This may be a hard concept to grasp for some; even though I believe in obedience; not submission; to me they're not the same; they both should walk hand in hand.  It can be done; I've had 24 years of practice.  There has to be a great deal of give and take; when that time comes; there's no use in whining; whining don't milk the cows.

  19. I don't think it should be an issue of control. I think it should revolve around equality. Like everything else.

    But will you give me 10 points if I say "feminists are destroying marriage, those heartless, heartless b*****s!"

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