
Who controls the money in this country?

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Does Congress control it or do international bankers control the money or some other entity?

Back up your answers with links or some credible facts please.




  1. Private, global, centralized banks via the non-Federal Federal Reserve.

  2. Every country except us because all of our work is going over seas, our financial aid and devestation packages are going to them all too, while our own people get very little and suffer like many of our New Orleans people still are today, and so our elderly live poor after giving all throughout they're lives. Not fair is it?

  3. Congress signed the ability to print our money to the Central Bankers, which formed the Federal Reserve, which is a private company owned by rich families. I highly suggest you go to and watch the movie Esoteric Agenda and that will explain everything in detail.

  4. According to our constitution congress is the only entity that is allowed to control our money and only gold and silver can be legal tender.  They cannot delegate that power to anyone else.  Unfortunatly congress isn't exactly known for respecting the constitution and they have illegaly given control of our currency to private bankers AKA the federal reserve.  Don't be fooled by the name, the federal reserve is as "federal" as FedEx.  If you want to learn more I suggest you at least watch the first four parts of this:

    The video is by congressman Ron Paul who is one of the most honest, patriotic, and intelligent people I have ever met.  That video is pure fact and it's quite educational.

    This video is also quite educational but is a little more controversial.  I think most of it's true (at least 98%) but I haven't done as much research as I would like:

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