
Who could help me with your language???

by  |  earlier

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hi!!!i'm an italian girl..and i wanna improve your language.who could help me??i have MSN




  1. just find some classes concerning the language you want to learn

    good luck.

  2. You mean u want to improve YOUR language? My language is fine.

    But u should get a tutor!♥

  3. your local library or high school may have classes or a ,local college good luck

  4. My friend. She knows seven different languages and she's teaching my spanish.

  5. You want to improve my language or yours?

  6. Do you speak fluent English, better than I do?  If not, then you can't help me improve my language at all.

  7. supposedly the army uses Rosetta Stone for that stuff.

  8. I can help you! I have spoken english all of my life lol and i could help you! I really want to help and I have msn too. I am always on msn. I would also love to learn some of your language!

    My msn is :

    <3 Thanks <3

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