
Who could win a fight between Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali?

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Street fight


Boxing fight

I've heard Muhammad Ali could win in both because he is trained to take a h**l of a lot of punches, and if Lee got close to him, one punch from Ali could take Lee out flat mainly because Ali weighed a h**l of a lot more than Lee. And my source said that L ee would get tired of punching Ali and then Ali would finally go in for the kill since, as said before; boxers are trained to take loads of hits.

I though otherwise before I heard this.

What do you think and explain your answer for both of the fights above.




  1. Bruce Lee he's even quicker and he's got more moves. The man was a legend ,so was Muhammad Ali but could he take Bruce Lee? The answer is No. Any man that could send somone flying using a one-inch-punch is'nt the type to mess with.

  2. Mohammad Ali would win on a walk over because Bruce Lee is dead.

  3. In a street fight Bruce lee. There are countless sources that claim Bruce Lee was always invovled in street fights. He would be walking down the road when some guy would challenge him cause of his rising status. And so and so. Muhammed Ali was a great boxer, but not a street fighter.

    In a boxing fight Muhammed Ali hands down. He was the Greatest boxer that ever lived. Bruce lee once said, 'A pro boxer would beat a pro martial artist'. Has anyone seen Bruce lee punch the heavy bag. His punches looked like they hurt. But they werent boxing style. More like a brawler.


    Street fight= Bruce Lee

    Boxing fight= Muhammed Ali

  4. Street fight: Bruce Lee

    Boxing fight: Muhammad Ali

    But Bruce Lee would most likely beat Muhammad Ali in any fight to be honest!

  5. street fight: bruce lee

    boxing fight: mohammed ali

  6. Bruce Lee in both examples. Simply because he is faster and isn't relying on the standard boxing power that Ali would have to use. Lee could break a mans bones with a single punch, so a well timed hit to the sturnum would floor any boxer.

  7. Are you serious???????????

  8. In a street fight Bruce Lee all the way. In a street fight anything goes and Ali would be out of his element.

    In a boxing fight Ali wins easily. He is in his element. Could Lee go 10 rounds or 15? Ali could do it easily hes fought way bigger stronger men Foreman, Norton, Frazier, Liston among others all who could whip Bruce in boxing.

  9. I think Brue Lee could win over Ali.  

    First of all, Brue Lee was known to have involved in hundreds of street fightings. He accept fight invitations even after he had become a celebrity. The famous one was the fight in Asia while he was a superstar over there, he fought with a guy who was known to be a pretty good fighter.  Once Bruce Lee stepped out of his car, he walked straight to that guy while he was stepping out from his car.  Without a word, Brue Lee started the fight without warning. It was a free fighting, without rules. In 10 seconds, that guy was down,  seriously hurted.

    Another fight witnessed by his wife even after he started working in  Hollywood.  That was a disaapointed fight for Bruce, it took him almost 3 minutes to put that guy down.

    Brue Lee had much more experience in handling free fightings. While Ali, fought in traditional boxing style that came with many rules and he was not used to free fighting.

    Mjoreover,  Bruce Lee fought with both punches  and different angles of  kicks, so he was able to hurt Ali from head to toe. While Ali was able just to punch with protective gloves that could only reduce the damage to Bruce Lee.

    Fighting with bare hands and speed, Bruce Lee could twiste Ali's neck and arms, and could even use fingers to hurt Ali's eyes, throat,  and under body  which might put the fight to an end in just 1 minute.

  10. They're both dead, so a fight there would be a bit boring to watch...

    But if they weren't, Brucey would trash Ali in a street fight since he is so much faster. Lee could use sweeps to take out Muhammeds' legs; also, Lee could use nerve-pinches to stop Ali moving, then finish him off at leisure.

    In a straight boxing match though, with both of them having to stick to the rules and everything, Ali probably would take it - for the reasons wot you said.

    So, 1-all, then - maybe a game of twister to decide the winner? (Bruce would have that, easy)

  11. I say Bruce Lee, Ali was fast for a heavy but nowhere near as fast as Lee, In boxing Lee would win like Roy Jones won his fights by decision. You cant knock out what you cant hit. In a street fight Lee would get an ankle lock or some kinda choke. Lee all the way.

  12. Bruce lee would definitely kick Alis *** offense to Alis fans but u know lee knows all the vital point to attack and the power to put all the strength on a single area. so he could kill Mohammad in a single punch or a kick if he wants to if they were in a the past.

  13. what a stupid question! Bruce knows every presser point & is not just a good fighter he is deadly with more speed & fitness their is no comparison.

  14. I'm a boxer myself and i beleive muhammad ali would win. He is a natural fighter and is rediculously fast and can take basically any hit. Bruce lee is smaller and also fast but he wouldnt be able to take as many hits so would get hurt pretty quickly. But i don't know. i guess there is no real answer, a fight can be won in a single punch. it all depends on the day, and sometimes even luck.

  15. There is no comparrison,bruce lee was a martial artist and ALI was a heavyweight boxing champ.Bruce lee would whoop ali's *** in a street fight because its no holds barred he would flying kick his *** into some boxes in a back alley somwhere.

    Boxing? Ali would win because bruce lee was like a featherweight.How is a featherweight against a heavyweight fair? This is just another silly comparrison of fighters,it would be more realistic if you said bruce lee vs chuck norris or somthing

  16. Ali of course true no competision between lee and ali Ali will hurt him. Lee can holler and scream and he can jump, but he better not get any where near Ali or he will get hurt. Ali has the height the weight the reach, It is like telling a mosquito to fight an elephant.

  17. You seem to be trying to add celebrity to the more-general question of whether a karate expert could defeat a professional boxer, and that question has been prety-well answered by several "demonstrations" that have been staged over the last couple of decades (not counting the rising popularity of kick-boxing), even before the latest popularity of street-fighting.  The boxing-only practitioners ALWAYS come out on the short-end.

  18. bruce lee he is a good fighter

  19. Bruce Lee. Ali can hit hard, but Lee can dodge or even parry them. Bruce Lee is a better fighter. That's why he was shot because of jealousy. xD

  20. Bruce Lee

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