
Who could you compare Anderson Cooper to?

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Who could you compare Anderson Cooper to and what are the differences between the two.

1. Who is the writer's target audience?

2. What generally is his or her topic or subject matter?

3. What is his or her purpose in writing this column?

4. What is the writer's style?




  1. Anderson Cooper

    1. i think he has a wide audience target. I know the struggle for a lot of news anchors are to reach the youth, which i think he does. I watch him and i am 18 and my 70 year old grandmother enjoys him as well.

    2. Elections, latest national and global news

    3. to inform the public like most anchors. he has debates sometimes as well

    4. poignant and direct with a flair i think that makes him attractive to the younger crowd. Not overly biased.

    another cnn anchor, Nancy Grace

    1. i believe many people watch since most either love or hate her. But people that like her are older or at least middle aged, most likely white, women republicans.

    2. Scandals, news stories, recently the story about Caylee

    3. To stir people up, according to her to uncover the truth. There are many arguments and people crying on her show

    4. She is blunt, assuming, abrasive, and controversial. She reports very biasedly.

    there are mostly differences between the two. But of course, this question is difficult because whoever answers is going to give a biased report on two anchors. someone else could give the two people i did, but say they hate Cooper and love Grace.  

  2. It would have to be some g*y guy from a very rich family!

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