
Who create this very complexe and paradoxal sexuel plesure or feeling into man(humain beeing)?

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Who create this very complexe and paradoxal sexuel plesure or feeling into man(humain beeing)?




  1. Have you ever seen tapes of other sexual animals rip each other apart for the privilege of mating? It came up with adaptation for survival of the cleanest DNA.


    creation and being human makes us in need of s*x and for an ever-advancing civilization, procreation is part of life.

    in some culture s*x is dirty, some not.  even in iran prostitution exist by some $$-making clergy who will marry you for a few hours for some money and then u r divorced after the act.  disgusting.  

    in certain tribes of africa, the wife has to sleep with the tribal elders and its acceptable - no hatred / anger.  but in medieval europe, they had such a law that merely satisfy the sexual appetite of the rulers.

    s*x viewed within the sanctity of marriage is true love and part of creation.  if u r god-belieiving its part of the life cycle - procreatio.  if not, its clean good ecstasy and many atheists r moralists too.  

    its only those who profit from it makes it dirty - so its all in the mind and the environment and the social/cultural conditions.

  3. God. It is as instinctive and natural as breathing the air He created for us.

    It is in all creatures to procreate. The pleasures involved are probably designed to insure that we create another soul for Him.<===((my opinion here)

    The pity of it all is that we have a tendency to abuse it.

    Like the obese who would abuse the foodstuff He gave us we as a whole we would abuse the intimacies of a sexual relationship.

    Never the less what God has created is a wonderful feeling that we can and do enjoy.

    It's nothing compared to the feelings and emotions we will have in His Kingdom come the afterlife, but it does give a glimpse of the splendour to be. And we won't have to engage in s*x for this.

    All God created is good, it is we His children who abuse and defile what is good.

    A sexual life with your spouse is good. s*x in any other arena is not quite right.

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