
Who created evil and what for? didn't this guy have nothing better to do?

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who was it? what for? gosh

what's the scripture for this?

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  1. Evil is a characteristic of being a human, focus on the goodness of others and within yourself.

  2. Christian: So there was then angel. He turned evil. He was banished and became a "fallen-angel." The end. Oh and he brought these other angels with him...blah blah...

    Atheist: What the [non-existent] h**l are you talkin about?

  3. Who cares?  Let's take the b*****d out for a drink!  Could you picture a world full of goody-two-shoes with no evil in it?  Face it, sista, good is boring and it's only doing evil things that you can have some fun in life

  4. Al Gore did it,of course

  5. what makes you think that evil was " created". isnt it more likely that it came about due to peopels selfish nature and their mistakes?

  6. Evil is simply Enlil vs Enki.

  7. Evil is subjective, so we (humans, animals) create it.

  8. I did. I was bored.

  9. Apparently, despite God having created everything, man is responsible for the creation of evil.  (Sin, FTW!)

    I take a more logical view.  Man is responsible for good and evil, and God didn't do anything but accept credit.

  10. Well if you're going from a Christian standpoint, God didnt create evil.  He simply gave us the choice to choose good or evil.  The evil in this world is from those that chose evil over good.

  11. Wasn't it Eve?  She ate that apple.  I don't know exactly.

    The scripture says whoever doesn't believe what I say and give me money is evil and will go to h**l.  That is the definition of evil for every organized religion... you can look it up.

  12. How is darkness created? No light. Same principle.

    How do you determine what is evil? Is it the same standard for all of us? You know, people like Charles Manson. Should we take away his right to exercise his own form of goodness? It is all relative, right?

    In other words, only one determines what is evil and what is good, God.

  13. Evil is not a created thing, but an absense of God's Love.

    It came into the world through Man's sin, brought about by Satan.

  14. God

    Evil/Satan are either Jins or Humans that whisper into he hearts of others to create hates & ill-hearts & commit all prohibitions.

    Quran 114: Mankind

    The last holy book - AlQuran.


    Total Verses: 6

    Revealed At: MAKKA

    Maududi's introduction


    In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.


    Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,


    The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,


    The god of Mankind,-


    From the evil of the whisperings of the slinking (Shaitan)


    (The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,-


    Among Jinns and among men.

  15. Nothing.

  16. The world exists in contrasts.  There are opposites to all things so that all things can be appreciated.  We wouldn't have a full concept of good without the existence of evil.  Evil shows us how wonderful good really is.  Without evil, everything would just simply "be".

  17. in some relegions they said , the devil who is made from fire was obeying God , but when God create Adam & ask the angels & the devil to knee for him ,, the devil refuse to do , so god get him out of heaven , so devil told god that he will make sure that more ppl will go to h**l with him , so the evil is the creature of devil

    & ii believe in what albert ineshtain said , as the cold is the lack of heat , the evil is lack of godness ,

    MAY GOD bless those ppl with good hearts

  18. I think no-one created it, however I think anyone is capable of choosing to commit it.

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