
Who created the autobahn???????

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in germany




  1. Which one?  There's tons of them, you know.

  2. The old ones, Adolf Hitler, he figured Germans need to travel!

  3. Adolf Hitler

  4. See if those links below help...There is alot of reading and I dont feel like reading every single word..Im very tired right now...can hardly keep my eyes open.

  5. The first Autobahn in Germany was created between 1929 and 1932, and was opened by Konrad Adenauer (at this time major of cologne).

    So it is a myth that Hitler invented the concept of the Autobahn. But its true that under his regime many new Autobahnen were built

  6. It was not Hitler.

    The first autobahn was built near Cologne and opened by Konrad Adenauer- he was later the first chancelllor after WW II.

    Hitler said that he was the first builder of a autobahn. He downgraded the 1. autobahn (near Cologne) to an lower grade before he openned his autobahn.

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