
Who created the global warming scam?

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Who created the global warming scam?




  1. People who knew that it would put people like me against people like you.

  2. Yes the planet is getting hotter.

    Is it a natural or man made phenomenon?  Who knows?

    But there is an element who have taken it upon themselves to say it's because of greenhouse gases.

    The fact is no one knows.  Not you, not the people who created the "Scam".

  3. ExxonMobile.

  4. GW is occurring, therefore there is no scam.

  5. Al Gore. After he invented the internet.

  6. Still the majority of climate scientists say it is not a scam.  I guess you are an expert.

    Every single measure that is being recommended to alleviate global warming is exactly what we should be doing anyway.  Regardless of whether global warming is a scam or not.

    We are already destroying every ecosystm on earth.  even without global warming.  Discontinuing the burning of fossil fuels it still the best thing we can do for the environment.

    Man as a species cannot in any way exist apart from those ecosystems. We are an interconnected and interdependent part of the whole.  

      Only a fool can't see what we are doing to the earth.  Children get it right away. They don't have their heads full of right wing ideology, preventing them from seeing what is staring them in the face.

      Most of you who think this way, are merely parroting what someone else like Rush Limbaugh thinks.  That's why we call you ditto heads.

      Most actual thinking people in the world disagree with you.

  7. What a great question this is.... I imagine that you spend a lot of time trying to think of all your questions.

       How can someone 'invent a scam' when the facts are out there and the evidence is in your face? But, to answer your question no one invented the scam.

  8. Umm... Wow..

    As the man said before me, Yahoo answers not opinions.

    Global warming is real!

    Trust me.

    If you dont believe the "Scientific Proof" then go and see the measurements of the polar ice caps for the past 2 decades compare them with the most recent.

    Then look at how many degrees the temperature has risen in the last two decades.

    Connect the dots!

  9. Global warming is a scientific fact plain and simple

    What is not a proven fact by any means is that we have caused it,

    There is more scientific evidence to prove it is a natural occurence than it being man made

    here is a piece of useless info for you

    Methane has increased by over 1300 percent yet no-one mentions that, why???? Because if it is attributed to warming the blame cannot be pinned on us and they like the blame being pinned on us as it gives them an excuse to tax us even more

  10. Al Gore...the carbon footprint idiot

  11. It's not a scam, so your question makes no sense.  But FYI:

    Joseph Fourier wrote the first paper on greenhouse gases in 1827.  John Tyndall discussed climate change in the 1860’s.  Chemist Svente Arrhenius, in 1896, calculated global warming potential due to a doubling of CO2 at about 5 C (not too bad for hand calculations).

    As for gillion's comments about methane, he is completely misinformed.  Methane is discussed frequently among climate scientists, the IPCC report has extensive coverage of it, and the humans are responsible for some of the atmospheric methane increase the last century.  The current concern over methane isn't as urgent as CO2, because the levels are holding constant and methane only remains in the atmosphere for about 8.4 years (as opposed to 100+ years for CO2).

    And regarding the former greenpeace guy:

    A) He's not a climate scientist

    B) He doesn't deny that global warming is real

    C) His complaint is with the extremism of some environmental groups, not with the scientists reporting on the reality of AGW

  12. Well, its not exacly a scam. It's more difficult than just that. There are two sides to the theory. Yes, it is still a theory, because neither sides of the Science Department can prove to the other. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) was the one tp subject the theory. Even though many people aknowledge that it is not true, neither side has proven right.

    The side of scientist that do believe that Global Warming is a waste of time, have done nothing to prove it's side right, while the other side has proven that the yearly climate, has been going higher. There for, the Global Warming is still a theory by the IPCC.

  13. its yahoo answers not yahoo opinions

  14. This guy says Lady Margaret Thatcher started the modern scam, on the advice of Sir Crispin Tickell, though the theory can be found as far back as the 1880s...

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