
Who created the tax scam know as global warming?

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It is a tax scam becasue liberals are going to raise our taxes becasue of so called global warming.




  1. it was implemented by the ILLUMINATE, Al Gore is just their goat.

  2. Not sure who started it, but expect to start paying out the *** very soon. Other countries are demanding our money.

  3. Dear Count Blank,

    Us readers need more information.  I don't understand why you're calling it a 'tax scam,' especially since few, if any, US tax dollars have been put towards resolving global warming.

    In fact, to my knowledge, the only tax dollars aimed towards 'clean fuel' have been going towards corn and ethanol fuel, which is a big myth.  Corn is a soil-leacher.  Growing corn in massive amounts erodes the soil, takes land away from growing more efficient crops, increases the cost of feeding farm animals, displaces cattle and other farm animals as land is taken over by corn, and ultimately damages the rain forest as trees are chopped down to grow either corn or soy.  This displaces indigenous tribes of the rain forest as well.

    So with all due respect, CountBlank, I question WHY YOU CALL IT A TAX SCAM  in the first place.  I respectfully ask you to please clarify this to us readers..

    Thank you.   Magicbird

  4. Just the deniers.  Everybody else does their thinking with their brains.

  5. scienctist

    i do not believin global warming i think its just a coincidence that earth is getting so warm

  6. al gore?

  7. Please explain why you consider global warming a tax scam.

  8. These guys.  Tricky blokes, eh?

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    They all say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

  9. I'm not sure. The liberals are most certainly using it as a tax scam though.

  10. Is the military a "tax scam", because we pay taxes for that?  Is the federal highway system a "tax scam", because we pay taxes for that? If the crime rate in your city is soaring because of gang violence and the local police ask for a budget increase, is that merely a "tax scam"?

    You see, not everything that requires taxes is necessarily a scam.  There are real issues in the real world that require real money (often through taxes) to deal with.

    So you're starting from a false premise.  I suggest you first look at the science behind global warming.  Once you have some understanding of that issue, then you can make an educated statement about whether or not taxes are the right solution for the problem.

    These sites should help get you started:

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

    The Discovery of Global Warming (great history site)


    The military and highways are indeed needed.  But until you educate yourself on the science behind global warming, you can't possibly know if efforts to mitigate that are needed or not.  Which is why I provided the links to help you get started.

  11. Al Gore, of course. Everyone knows that.

  12. you are so right. They will sing and dance about saving the environment then pocket the tax money for themselves.

  13. The government.

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