
Who decided that the ones guiding us are spirit guides? and when?

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I always heard it was God. Who changed it and why?




  1. Various people such as Native American Indians, Witches & Warlocks and all those who don't accept God so they they turn to whatever else they think they've found.





  2. Paranormal/religious ideas such as "spirit guides" go in and out like fashions. It's just the popular idea of the moment. In 10 years it will be something else.

  3. yeah, God would be the right answer. However, spirit guides sells more books, apparently. Actually it refers to spirit guides in the Bible as being agents of Satan. So if you do believe in God, then spirit guides are demons.

    Personally I believe in God and the Bible, however, I think the warnings against spirit guides are to prevent idolatry and sway people away from con-artists like sylvia browne who wish to take your attention away from God for personal profit.

  4. Sylvia Brown. She is such an idiot.

  5. We choose them ourselves when we are at home on the other side before being born into this life.

    Some of us have more than 1 and we will return the favour for them when it's their time to return to earth.

  6. Hello

    You are spirit yourself, & you have energies within spirit guiding you at all times, through all stages of your life.

    There is no division between God & guides, or even your own spiritual self as all is spirit, and the divine (what ever name you give it) is present within everything.


  7. Nobody truly guides you, there is what is considered free will what you are making your decisions on is based on what ever it is you believe but if you believe you are doing what god is telling you, then you should spend a little time in church making sure you don't distort right and wrong listening to what you believe is god... (remember this) The Father, The Son, and The HOLY GHOST...(holy spirit) anyway think you get the point...

  8. Who said it was just one god?  It used to be many gods.  Who changed *that* and why?

    What I mean is concerning the conventional (read trendy) way to look at spiritual guidance people believe what makes sense to them.  Some like to think it's the god of their choosing while others prefer to think they are receiving personalized service from their very own spirit guide or guardian angel.  This is no less valid, justified or evidenced than the god(s) concept.

  9. hey  first of all u cant knwo who is guding u

    u hear a voice in ur head,

    it could be  spirits, ur touths,   aliens, god,

    a goevermnet microchip, or trasmision directly into ur brain

    or iner ear i should say

    buttom line u can never know who is cominicating with u

    he might say im god when he is satan,

    or a lien beeing or spirit etc

    also people who have no knowlege and dotn know the truth

    need guidance

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