
Who decided to build the Snowy River Hydro Electric Scheme?

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I don't need any details, I just need a name and possibly what year he decided to build it




  1. Work on the system started in 1949 and was finished in 1974, taking twenty-five years to complete.

    In 1941, Mr L R East, Chairman of the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission of Victoria proposed that the Commonwealth and the two states of NSW and Victoria create a separate authority to undertake the work, on the lines of the River Murray Commission.

    In 1943 the conflicting proposals for the development of the Snowy waters led Mr Arthur Calwell, MP, to ask in Parliament that "plans be formulated for the best use of the waters in the interests of the people of Australia as a whole."

    In 1946, the Commonwealth and State Ministers from NSW and Victoria finally discussed the national aspect of the project. The engineering investigations for the project became the overall responsibility of the Commonwealth Department of Works and Housing, The Director General was Mr L F Loder (later Sir Louis). The Director of Engineering was Ronald B Lewis. The detailed work of investigations and evaluation of alternative proposals was the task of E F Rowntree, Engineer for Major Investigations.

  2. ok so it was built by the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority, now called Snowy Hydro Limited. and took 100,000 people to build it and 25 years; 1949-1974. If thats not enough info google your question.

             Heres my source.

    The Scheme was managed by the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority, now called Snowy Hydro Limited, and took 25 years to build, from 1949 to 1974,[5] at the historical cost of AUD$800 million, a dollar value equivalent in 1999 and 2004 to AUD$6 bn.[6] [7] It employed over 100,000 people from over 30 countries in its construction, providing valuable employment for a large number of recently arrived immigrants, and was important in Australia's post-war economic and social development. The Scheme built several temporary towns for its construction workers, several of which have become permanent: Cabramurra (the highest town in Australia); and Khancoban. Additionally, the economy of Cooma has been sustained by the Scheme.[citation needed]

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