
Who decided what colours snooker balls should be ?

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Who decided what colours snooker balls should be ?




  1. Snooker was invented by Col. Snooker in India, to help pass away the time,he was helped by Cpl. Billiard.  The balls were selected for their points and colour by Queen Victoria.

  2. a color blind designer

  3. Actually the person who invented snooker and decided the colours of the balls  was a Colonel Ponsonby-Bagshott of the East Grinstead Fusiliers.  Not a lot of people know that.

  4. I did. You got a problem with that?

  5. Ray Reardon

  6. a snooker ball commitee

  7. i thought it was a bumch of indians......

  8. Mr R J Snook who invented the game

  9. The colours came from a different game -

    In 1875 Colonel Sir Neville Chamberlain was a young subaltern with the Devonshire regiment stationed at Jubbulpore. During the rainy season the officers' long afternoons were spent at the mess billiards table where the parent game (billiards) was less popular than various round games which were better suited to more than two players and to which it was easier to add a modest gambling element. 'Pyramids', perhaps snookers most obvious forerunner, was a game played with fifteen reds, initially placed in a triangle, with the apex red on what is now the pink spot but which was then known as the pyramid spot. Each time a player potted a red, all his opponents paid across the agreed stake money per ball

    'Black pool' was a development of pool in that a black ball was added. When a player had potted his allocated ball, he could attempt the black. If he was successful, each of his opponents paid across an additional sum and he could then attempt the nearest ball. Joe Davis spent many of his youthful hours playing a similar game, 'pink pool'. Black pool was the preferred game among the Devonshire officers but it was Chamberlain's inspiration gradually to add other coloured balls so that snooker came to be played with fifteen reds, yellow, green, pink and black. Blue and brown were added some years later.

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