
Who designed the SR-71 blackbird?

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I know that it was lots of people together, but who was the chief designer, engineer and chief aerodynamicist?




  1. The same man who designed the U-2, F-104, P-80, P-38 and numerous other airplanes...Clarence L. "Kelly" Johnson (1910-1990).

    He was the head of Lockheeds "Skunk Works" and was responsible for many of their breakthrough innovations.

    He always surrounded himself with some of the most talented engineers in the field as well. One such engineer was Ben Rich, who took over the Skunk Works from Kelly when he retired in 1975 (Kelly stayed on as a consultant until 1980). Ben Rich designed the air intake scoops for the SR-71.

  2. . Clarence "Kelly" Johnson was responsible for many of the design's advanced concepts

  3. I did. I went back in time and I gave ol' Kelly all of our super secrets so he could implement them in a revolutionary jet that would be far superior to anything we had ever built before. Nobody ever sees that part in the history books though. I feel cheated. We also used to go pick up hookers and blow at the bar after work was done for the day.

    you people have no sense of humor

  4. Kelly Johnson was leader of the team that produced the SR-71 and many other special aircraft, he also ran the "Skunk Works" which is the top secret part of the Boeing Aircraft Corporation.

    Incidentally the SR-71 was actually born the RS-71, President Lyndon B. Johnson made a mistake in a speech about the aircraft so they renamed the aircraft rather than have the President correct the mistake.

  5. Kelly Johnson was responsable for many of the advanced concepts but the company that built it was Lockheed and it was developed in their 'Skunk Works' factory.

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