
Who determines the s*x of the baby the mans sperm or the females egg?

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Who determines the s*x of the baby the mans sperm or the females egg?




  1. its the men's sperm coz the girl always gives the s*x-determining chromosome X while men can give either X or Y thus determining the  s*x

    but studies shows that women can affect the baby's s*x, meaning, if the girl's uterus pH is acid, it can lead to sperms carrying the Y gonosome to die coz they r weaker than X

    knowing that the pH can be affected by the girl's dietary regime

  2. sperm because only men have y chromosome.

  3. The sperm.

  4. Only the sperms. XX means girl and XY means boy.  

  5. Its' the male's sperm that determines this and if u want to have a boy just make sure you are happy on that night u have s*x. This is because if u are not in a good mood, the v****a releases some fluid which is toxic to the Y chromosome from the male. So the Y chromosomes are killed b4 they have a chance to fertilize the egg. But the X chromosomes thrive in any vaginal condition so...

    Hope i helped in a way!  

  6. There are two chromisomes that determine he s*x of a baby. XX chromisomes mean it's a girl, XY chromisomes mean a boy. The females egg is always an X. Some of a guys sperm carry an X chromisome and some carry a Y. If the one with the Y gets inside the egg then the baby will be a boy and the same for a girl. So the answer to you questions would be it's determined by the sperm.


  7. The sperm.  The egg has an x chromosome, the sperm can either have an x or a y.  xx the baby is female, xy it is a male

  8. U mite not believe me but it the cold & hot that determines that.

    Cold tempertures will produce girls


    Hot tempertures will produce boys.

    This is a fact,.  Just look it up or ask any doctor.

  9. the mans

  10. the sperm does

  11. The Sperm does and this is proven by sciense and Qura'n too. For abt 1400 years ago was known and mention on Quran.

  12. Both together, the female is x and the male is either x or y

    xx= Female

    xy= Male

    Hope that helps


  13. Sperm because the female only has X X, so she can only give off X, while the male has X and Y,  so it varies on which one of the male's two chromosomes.      





  14. sperm does

  15. mother nature.

  16. The man's Sperm is the Leader who decide to give born of boy or girl.

  17. Sperm

  18. the guy determines the s*x

  19. The male sperm.

    Each female egg contains an "X" chromosome. The male s*x cell, the sperm, contains either a "Y" chromosome or a "X" chromosome. Once the sperm meets the egg it passes on which ever particular chromosome it carries. If it passes on an "X" chromosome the child will be female. If it passes on a "Y" chromosome the child will be male.

    "X + X" = female.

    "X + Y" = male.

  20. the man determines the s*x he has the easy part

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