
Who did Bacon believe should bear the guilt for the colony's problems?

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In Bacon's Rebellion he believed that someone was to blame, who was it?

For AP US hw




  1. Bacon believed that Governor Berkely, the Virginia's colony governor,

    should be blamed for the problems that Bacon and his followers

    faced.  It was the Governor which was supporting the view of those

    who lived in the "Tidewater", or eastern part of Virginia, that spending

    the money on raising an Army to fight the Indians so that the Bacon's

    lower class supporters, like indentured servants, could receive land

    was the wrong  thing to do. In order to get rich you needed land so

    that you could grow tobacco. Those in the eastern part of the colony,

    the Byrds, Carters, and Custis family for example had their land and

      wealth and did not feel the need for anymore expensive raising of

      armies to fight the indians. Bacon's group middle class/poor did not

    have the wealth and the only way to get that wealth wa by getting

    land, from the indians who were going to fight  as if there lives

      depended on their keeping their lands, because it did. Bacon started

    his rebbellion to force the government to change and it ended up with

    him defeating the government. But as you know he got sick and died.

      The only change was that since most of his army, Bacon's, was

      made up of indentured servants Virginia stopped using , for the most

      part, indentured servants, and started using African Slaves instead.

           Hope that helps. Packers.


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