
Who did australia ally with in WW1 and how do you know?

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Who did australia ally with in WW1 and how do you know?




  1. On my yahoo answers profile I have several links that will help you with answers to your  question... the links provide information re Australian war efforts and history...

    I have them on my profile because i  find it easier that cutting and pasting each time a question comes up that they could help with.

  2. At the time of World War I, The majority of Australians still considered themselves British.  In fact, they were still (even more so than just having the same monarch) constitutionally linked to the Britain, even though they were officially an independent realm within the Empire.  So when the British declared war on Germany in 1914, there was no question with Australians about whether or not they were at war too.

    Australia had only been an 'independent' country for just over 12 years, so many australians still felt Australian and British, so they felt that it was their duty to fight for the mother country in Europe and around the world.  It should also be pointed out that Australian territory in New Guinea, was directly under threat by German territory in New Guinea too.

    In fact it was WWI that defined Australia as a truly independent country.  Many feel that the battle of Gallipoli, in which the Australians and New Zealanders (with some British and British Indians) led and were utterly defeated, is the day that truly defines Australian and New Zealander nationhood and is still celebrated today on ANZAC day.

  3. Australia would have allied with Britain because as Australia is not a republic and still under the rule of Queen Elizabeth II they were required to declare war.  I know this because I was born and raised in Australia and that is what we were taught.

  4. The Australians were the allies of the triple entente which was made up of three countries, England, France and Russia. They opposed the Triple Alliance who were Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary. I know from my history lessons in year nine.

  5. Australia allied with Britain and fought against the Germans in Europe, and against the Turks in Turkey and Palestine. I know because I'm Australian and my great uncle died at Gallipoli, Turkey. Every single Australian knows about the battle at Gallipoli.

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