
Who did better in the CNN Compassion Forum? Hillary or Obama?

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I thougth Hillary answered questions with a much more degree of enthusiam and awareness.

He just kept saying things that he already said......again from a book or a speech....nothing from the soul.




  1. who the heck watches that leftist propaganda pinko network! and yes ,i'm the typical bitter white guy from pa!

  2. I say Hillary was more genuine.  Obama would generally

    head in another direction when answering the questions,

    just like he usually does.  The audience was kissing Obama's butt even before he spoke.  The media will do the same for the next couple of hours.

  3. I didn't watch it, but I could care less. Sorry for the pun. Btw, I'm voting for McCain.

  4. What was her answer on this question?

    Then theres this.

    I love thumbs down it gives me more reasons to post.

  5. hillary has aids

  6. I missed it.

  7. Obama because he can walk on water and is the true prophet of God.

  8. Obama.  Hillary lied about dodging bullets, she signed for the Iraq war, she mispoke about the woman and her health benefits...she disagrees with her husband decision about sending those jobs overseas...she wants a protest in regards to the olympics...and she has been to China as the first lady and never spoke about the human rights over there...she's a dirty player and she knows she can't win the primary, to me it seems as if she doesn't win she doesn't want Obama to win... Hillary can apologize for mispeaking but when Obama does she can't let it go...when is the last time you heard Obama bring up Monica, Bosnia, the hospital...Obama is running against Bill, Chelsea, Hillary, John, KKK, and so on....I can go on all day...come people lets not be a victim of the Matrix....

  9. She is starting to get nasty in her attacks on Obama since she is losing, and that is the kind of stuff that the media really likes........Drama

    If that woman is elected that is what we will have a lot of.



    Personal promotion...

    Now Hillary is the most moderate based on her voting record of all the Democratic nominees.

  10. Obama, because he is the TRUTH , and I think the faith based people respect that. Not shady self serving greed.

  11. Hillary is much more compassionate than Barack and always has been (and probably always will be).  I don't find compassion to be his strong suit.

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