
Who did the 9/11?

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Who did the 9/11?




  1. Chubby Checker

  2. The same guy who did the 18/22.

  3. The CFR

  4. Jimboism's answer  is absolutely correct. 9/11 was a copy crime. Just like the U.S.A. letting Pearl Harbor happen, and Hitler burning the riechshtag. By using the ever elusive terrorist threat, americans are fooled into a "rally round the flag" mentality. Troops are sent to the middle east to secure

    a presence prior to the coming resource wars(OIL). Meanwhile, the illuminati controlled american gov't is busy passing legislation taking our freedoms away. Do you think the "illuminati" aren't real? Just punch in that word into a search engine and start doing some research on your own. The illuminati installed the "Federal Reserve System" in 1913 which took us off the gold standard. Now your money is backed by NOTHING. The Federal Reserve is NOT part of our gov't, and neither is the Internal Revenue Service. There was no national debt before the Federal Reserve. Check out The Council on Foriegn Relations. The bottom line is a one world gov't run by the illuminati. 2005 Pres. Bush signed the "North American Union" legislation, which eliminated us being a single nation. Wait until your so called money will be refered to as the "Amero".  NAFTA and the GATT agreements have insured that millions of good paying jobs have left this country.Why you ask? To bankrupt America. Because you have to bring down the wealthy nation so it can blend in easily with its poor neighbors. Start your education at     We Americans have gotten fat, lazy and stupid, little wonder why we are in such a state of negative flux.  If you think things are bad now, you haven't seen anything yet, this is but the beginning of our end.

  5. al gore did it hopeing to make Bush look bad.

  6. the dalai llama

  7. illuminati

  8. The same people who provided Iraq the thousands upon thousands of WMDs that were found there when we invaded that country in 2003.

  9. enviromentalists. they dont like tall buildings.

  10. Al Queda of course!
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