
Who did women promote the fact fact there were more women workers in the war in the 1900s?

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I really need help on why women were promoting their help in the war effort to gain their right to vote. Can someone please tell me why!?




  1. As long as women stayed home and were 'nothing more' than housewives, they were not considered a force to reckon with - in politics, economics or anything else. Once women joined the workforce and had independent means, they were suddenly a viable group, to be wooed and cosseted. And it made sense to give the vote to a sector of society who worked, who contributed to the economy, and who held responsible positions in society. During the war years, when so many young men had left the workforce to serve with the military, there were opportunities for women to become gainfully employed, to acquire trades, to start and run businesses. These were opportunities women in general did not have prior to the war. So they were very willing to help out during the war years - and there was the patriotic factor as well. They couldn't serve in the military, but hey could help the war effort by working in industry, manufacting war goods.

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