
Who did you...?

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who did you vote for this year as the president? How come? Why are they better? What state are you from? Who do you think will win?

I know this question(s) has many others, but could you please answer me this?




  1. I can't vote (and besides, we don't vote until March) but if I could, I would vote for Ron Paul.  Why?  Because the other guys suck worse.  Why do I quote House M.D.?  Because it is the best show ever invented.  Why do I really like Ron Paul?  Because he's pro life and anti immigration.  I'm from Ohio, and I think the democrat will win, whoever it happens to be.

  2. clinton... universal health care.... Oh and by the way.. no one has voted for president yet... dont get ahead of yourself.. that takes place in november.

  3. I can't vote yet but in my point of view, Hillary or Obama should win. Hillary has a lot of experience in the White House and I support most of the things she supports and the whole health care thing. In any case, a democrat better win. Maybe our country will slowly become more open-minded... but probably not. Republicans seem, to me, to be close-minded.
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