
Who did you sit with at lunch on your first day of high school?

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That's the main thing I'm worried about, don't wanna end up looking like some loser sitting alone.. I have no problem whatsoever with talking to people, I'm relaxed and I can joke around or whatever as soon as I start speaking with them. But, like I said, first day, don't know anyone there.

Did you sit with random people your first day, or did you meet someone?




  1. I sat with people I knew. This is because I went to school with the same kids from elementary school through high school. I'm sure you'll find someone friendly on the first day. It'll be fine, don't worry.

  2. Complete randos! Just who ever looks interesting, sit down next to them and introduce yourself! If they turn out to be not-your-type, then sit with someone different the next day.

    Just don't over think this stuff. Go with the flow, life tends to point you where you should be.

  3. First of all if you have anyone you know or if you are at a different lunch time, second just go in the bathroom and eat until you make friends because losers do these things( not saying you are but i was so no problem or go in a teachers classroom until you make friends because it is awkward sitting by your self and then go and sit with someone you don't know well thats embarrassing. but if you know another guy or girl who has his first time a t school sit with them and things and people will follow trust me.

  4. Wow, this question brings me back some nerve wrecking memories from high school. On my first day, I sat in the hallway like a looser. I felt so lonely and embarrassed, but I managed to make one or two friends later on during the year. I hope you don't go through what I suffered. Good Luck!!

  5. I was on the football team so i just hung out with them.  Don't you have any friends from middle school that are going to the same high school as you?  Why not hang out with them?

  6. I did not know many people my first day either,as it was a new school.I did ask 2 girls in homeroom if we could sit together and then in math class I met 2 guys from my old school that I did not know that well but we all had the same lunch period.And then it just became a habit.Best of luck in your new school.

  7. I can't remember,  but this happens later in life too, like at a new job or something.  If you happen to be alone for lunch that's ok. Just remember to always be confident. You can take something to read or look at while you eat and you never know someone might come up to you and ask if they can sit with you!

  8. i ate lunch with my best friend and people i met in middle school. eat lunch with friends from middle school.

  9. If you don't know not one person then it makes it harder. Your going to be in a few classes that day before lunch so you will meet people and when lunch starts see if you see any of the same nice faces to sit by.  This to shall pass.

  10. you usually have classes before lunch right? talk to some people in class or whatever and casually say "dude, mind if i sit with you at lunch?"   or something

  11. I sat with my friends from 8th grade. If you are new to the city, and don't know anyone, try to make a friend before lunch. I met my best friend that way. She was completely new to the city and we had English right before lunch. She asked me for a piece of paper and we started talking. Nine years later and we're still best friends!

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