
Who dies on All My Children fall 2008?

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Does anyone know who dies at fusion and in the tornado? Ive heard a bunch of different people but i dont no...




  1. I have heard Dre and Myrtle die in the tornado. Josh is also leaving the show, bc he has embezzled 20 million from Zach, it has been said that Kendall goes to great lengths to help him out, maybe she will help fake his death.. I wouldnt be sad though if it were Annie! So sick of her.

  2. I heard that Myrtle dies in the tornado and it's anybody's guess who gets murdered at Fusion.  

  3. Josh.  Zach finds out that he has been embezzling money from Cambias.

  4. I don't think no one will know for sure until it happens. It could be Josh I read that his contract is up. I don't think it will be Annie, but I think she will be going to Oak Haven. It would be nice if it was the slime ball Fletcher. Who knows?? I can't wait to find out though.

    I also read that AMC has a new writer, Charles Pratt, Jr and he is really going to shake things up at Fusion. Pratt  used to work for The Ugly Betty show. It should be interesting.

  5. It is not Josh. He does embezzle money from Zach, but sissy Kendall will help him get out of town before Zach can squash him!

    I have heard rumors that it will be Myrtle. Which, would really stink! I have also heard rumors that Dre will also be inolved. But nothing has been reported expcept that "someone important" will die. So between these two the only one that is important is Myrtle. The effects on everyone from Erica to Zach would be felt with her passing. So we will have to wait and see I suppose.

    As for the murder others were discussing. Taylor kills Fletcher when she catches him trying to hurt Randi. So that evil scumbag will finally disappear!

  6. I think the pimp guy - Randi's - will die in the Fusion office and Myrtle will die in the tornado.  Like you say, we'll have to wait & see because spoilers CAN BE WRONG... I hate spoilers...

  7. Josh and Annie are expendable in my mind.  I can see Zach setting Josh up, he does have the potential, and Annie going up in a tornado would be funny if her brother is talking to her the whole time.

         But our beloved Myrtle to meet a violent death?  NO WAY?

    This pure gold woman deserves,  if she must go , a gentle exit.

    After all, she became Erica's mother substitute, and Myrtle deserves better than that kind of awful way to go. It would be too much for Erica too.

  8. i think Josh. i read some where that he was embezzling money from Zack's company, Cambias. I wonder if Zack will send someone to kill him.

  9. I think it will be Annie.  It seems like her character is heading for disaster, and the writers have used up her usefulness.

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