
Who discovered plastic?

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  1. alexander parkers discovered plastics in 1862
    Timeline - Precursors * 1839 - Natural Rubber - method of processing invented by Charles Goodyear * 1843 - Vulcanite - Thomas Hancock * 1843 - Gutta-Percha - William Montgomerie * 1856 - Shellac - Alfred Critchlow, Samuel Peck * 1856 - Bois Durci - Francois Charles Lepag Timeline - Beginning of the Plastic Era with Semi Synthetics * 1839 - Polystyrene or PS discovered - Eduard Simon * 1862 - Parkesine - Alexander Parkes * 1863 - Cellulose Nitrate or Celluloid - John Wesley Hyatt * 1872 - Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC - first created by Eugen Baumann * 1894 - Viscose Rayon - Charles Frederick Cross, Edward John Bevan Timeline - Thermosetting Plastics and Thermoplastics * 1908 - Cellophane - Jacques E. Brandenberger * 1909 - First true plastic Phenol-Formaldehyde tradenamed Bakelite * - Leo Hendrik Baekeland 1926 - Vinyl or PVC - Walter Semon invented a plasticized PVC. * 1927 - Cellulose Acetate * 1933 - Polyvinylidene chloride or Saran also called PVDC - accidentally discovered by Ralph Wiley, a Dow Chemical lab worker. * 1935 - Low-density polyethylene or LDPE - Reginald Gibson and Eric Fawcett * 1936 - Acrylic or Polymethyl Methacrylate * 1937 - Polyurethanes tradenamed Igamid for plastics materials and Perlon for fibers. - Otto Bayer and co-workers discovered and patented the chemistry of polyurethanes * 1938 - Polystyrene made practical * 1938 - Polytetrafluoroethylene or PTFE tradenamed Teflon - Roy Plunkett * 1939 - Nylon and Neoprene * considered a replacement for silk and a synthetic rubber respectively Wallace Hume Carothers 1941 - Polyethylene Terephthalate or Pet - Whinfield and Dickson * 1942 - Low Density Polyethylene * 1942 - Unsaturated Polyester also called PET patented by John Rex Whinfield and James Tennant Dickson * 1951 - High-density polyethylene or HDPE tradenamed Marlex - Paul Hogan and Robert Banks * 1951 - Polypropylene or PP - Paul Hogan and Robert Banks * 1953 - Saran Wrap introduced by Dow Chemicals. * 1954 - Styrofoam the trademarked form of polystyrene foam insulation, invented by Ray McIntire for Dow Chemicals * 1964 - Polyimide * 1970 - Thermoplastic Polyester this includes trademarked Dacron, Mylar, Melinex, Teijin, and Tetoron * 1978 - Linear Low Density Polyethylene * 1985 - Liquid Crystal Polymers Refer to:

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