
Who discovered the DNA?

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Who discovered the DNA?




  1. In 1953, James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins discovered that the structure of DNA is actually a double helix.

    That was when the Structure of DNA was discovered. Is that what you want or do you really mean when was DNA (& not the structure) discovered? In that case the answer is -

    Discovery of Nucleic Acids - Friedrich Miescher, 1869

    Miescher isolated the nuclei of white blood cells obtained from pus cells. His experiments revealed that nuclei contained a chemical that contained nitrogen and phosphorus but no sulfur. He called the chemical nuclein because it came from nuclei. It later became known as nucleic acid.

  2. * The discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid, more commonly known as DNA, has been the foundation for much scientific work.. At the California Institute of Technology, Linus Pauling, one of the best physical chemists at that time, proposed his first DNA model, which was based more on common sense rather than mathematical reasoning..In 1951, Watson attended a lecture that Franklin was giving to her co-workers on her work thus far with DNA.

  3. Peter S nailed it.. ((:

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