
Who dislikes Palin and why???

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What has she done that you disagree with?




  1. I don't like her because I am for Obama, and so that makes her our opponent, and plus I do not think she is qualified to be vice president

  2. I never met a republican that I liked.  

  3. for abortion people.... answer this question: Has anything changed since Roe v Wade? Everyone tried to say that when W was running for Pres, he was going to reverse the decision. did he? NO. Nothing will ever change that decision. Ever.

    You all are ridiculous about this stuff. For anyone to ever take you seriously and at listen to you, at least concede the point the partial-birth abortion should be banned or, if you say it's(PBA) ok, at least agree that the Death Penalty is legal bc essentially if you argue that way, one is the same. You can't have your fattening liberal cake and eat it too.

    Adn before you dummies say "well, if you think that abortion is wrong, why do you think the death penalty is right?" and to that i say, i think abortion is ok in few situations(rape, incest, threatened mother's life) i also think that DP is ok in certain situations... it just so happens that those few situations happen fairly often(1 deg murder) unfortunately.

    McCain-Palin 08

  4. I like Palin.

    I dislike her stand on abortion


    So I can live with it.

    I'm going to vote for her and McCain.

    I'm a Republican..I'm Pro CHOICE and I don't thump bibles.

    Palin is anti-environmentalist whackos and pro-oil..yeee ha..I like this woman...Rides snowmobiles...hunts..what a woman.

    Pro choice..does not mean you have to have an can be pro adoption..or keeping the baby.

    Partial Birth Abortion is something people scare others with.

    Though PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION procedure has had a low rate of usage, representing 0.17% (2,232 of 1,313,000) of all abortions in the United States it has developed into a focal point of the abortion debate.  PBA..are rare, usually illegal, and some of them occur because the fetus is DEAD.

  5. My question is.... where the heck did she even come from?

  6. She is inexperienced and I don’t trust her as a president. I feel she is too fake and she always flows with the current!

  7. I LOVE Palin!  I am genuinely excited about the Republican ticket for the first time!  McCain has won the election!!

  8. She is actually a fairly progressive and moderate conservative, I just think McCain picked her for less than honest reasons...

  9. She wants to "teach the controversy"

  10. Yes absolutely! This lady is a true American. Born in Idaho, works hard for no nonsense real change and has lots of executive experience; 1st running a small town and then Governing the largest land mass state of our Country. The only women who won't relate to her are the far left butch L*****n, hate all men type. She is the first national figure to praise both Geraldine Ferraro's accomplishment as well as Hilliary's. Hillary never expressed such gratitude to here fellow Democrat Ferraro- per Ferraro herself.

    In addition, for the Obama camp to question her experience in comparison to Obama's community organizer experience would be a ridiculously poor fight to start. In addition-when Hillary ran for the Senate, she had absolutely no elected office experience whatsoever, and had accomplished nothing aside from living in the White House. Health Care reform, the one thing she attempted to initiate, failed miserably.

  11. I don't like her politics.

  12. her family supports its lavish life with oil money....she abused her authority to pursue a personal vendetta against her brother-in-law. she has a degree in "communications" - which means her goal in life was always to be a pm magazine bimbo host.

    to bad she's a vapid, vengenful oil w***e......she did the right thing about the baby though.......not many people can turn their hancapped children into fame and fortune though  

  13. I don't know her.........I can not like anyone I know nothing about.


  15. Mrs. Harper Valley PTA looks like she'd fit better as a Miss America contestent than our possible President.

    I still cant stop laughing when I see McCain's pick on TV.

  16. I dislike her because she is a prostitute for big oil.

  17. I don't like Palin.  She supported a policy of decimating 80% of the wolf and bear population in central and southeast Alaska in order to create a population boom of elk and moose for sport hunters to shoot.  I think that is just despicable.  I'm also not crazy about her fundamentalist background (believes in Creation over Evolution) or her stance on abortion.

  18. Palin is a danger to women...

    Palin is anti-abortion in EVERY instance...rape, incest, even if the life of the mother is in jeopardy.

    She is anti-conservation and for the Bible being taught in science classes.

  19. ummm


    2. she is running with a man who doesnt think women should get equal pay.

    3. her husband works for big oil

    need i say more???

  20. She has a super smug look on her face, and I can't STAND the sound of her voice. I HAVE to turn the channel if I hear her speak for more than 3 seconds, and I was McCain all the way. I think McCain just HANDED obama the election on a silver platter.


  21. I don't care one way or another, she hasn't actually done anything TO disagree with.

    She was the best person for the job? I wonder who told McPOW that.

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