
Who do I call if there is a dirty stinky man in my apartment complex?

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There is a man that lives downstairs in my apartment complex. This is an indoor complex so when we go downstairs to go out we can smell the hallway and it smells like nasty under the belly sweat....I know a bit graphic lol sorry! Ewww im gagging just talking about it lol. Anyhow, he is a fat man, the manager said he dont fit in the shower, I saw him walking down the street with a shopping cart and the back and front of his pant where wet and brown. Very grose. The manager sais thats how he lives. But isnt there someone that I can call, Because I dont feel comfortable living in the same complex that has a fat man living in his own groseness with mayonaise by the window lol...Let me know...Give me sum numbers...I live in Los angeles




  1. either contact the board of health or mental health agency if he is a threat to himself or health of others they can have him assessed

  2. i a gree with the first guy entirley.. that or you could try to get him help...

  3. An apartment finding service.

  4. I would call the Dept. of Human Services and ask if they could do a welfare check on him. This way your not physically involved, but you are having the proper authorities look up on him and possibly get him the help that he might need

  5. I think this man who is living in his own sh*t should be committed, something aint right about that!

  6. ok that is just stick! lol

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