
Who do I contact for this problem???

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My son is on a little league baseball team. The park he plays in is a mess, health hazards everywhere.. My husband and I noticed that a 2-story deck where people go to watch the baseball games had a banister bar missing. A small child could so easily fall through. When my husband talked to the manager, he had a bad attitude and asked "what do you want ME to do about it??" It ended w/ him calling my husband a m***rf**ker and a threat that we not be let back on his property. That problem has since been resolved but I've noticed that the park is dirty and no one cares. Litter is everywhere, They have a little pond that has more litter than water and it actually looks like sewage. There is an electric box attached to a tree which is within a toddler's reach. Wires are hanging out and it's making a real loud noise. Smoking is allowed and adults/kids do it right on the playground where babies play. List goes on. (no room to elaborate) Who can I contact that will take me seriously?




  1. You might want to try any of the following:

    "code enforcement" for your city--if you can't find it with a google search, call a reference librarian

    the electric box alone might fall within the jurisdiction of the fire department and they won't drag their feet on checking it out

    the media--if all else fails, they'll pitch a public hissy--TV would be best as it will pack more of a wallop. You MAY end up having to be on the show so you have to consider fall out from that--not everyone will love you for speaking out so make sure you're prepared for that.

    Good luck.

  2. who owns the property . it doesn't sound like city or county . if they do that is who you complain to the mayor or county counsel

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