
Who do I go to to submit a great idea for a commercial?

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I have a great idea for a commercial for Ford and I would like to know if anyone knows how to get in touch with the right people to tell about it.




  1. As the first person indicated, it is very tough for anyone outside a client's advertising agency or marketing firm to "sell their idea."

    As a former creative director, I used to receive letters and phone calls all the time from would-be writers and designers, but I would always have to cut them short of presenting them to me. An advertising agency cannot afford to accept an unsolicited idea from someone - it simply isn't done.

    If you want to try your luck, however, you need to try and get an audience with either the Creative Director or Account Manager for an agency that works with Ford. Keep in mind that Ford has several agencies. Also, you will probably have to have your commercial in what is known as a "storyboard form."

    I'm not trying to discourage you; but to be honest, you have a bit of an uphill climb ahead of you.

    Good luck.

  2. Maybe try going to a local Ford store and tell them, and if they like it, they can tell someone higher ranked in Ford.

  3. Ford will not even look at your idea. They will return it with a very cold letter that was written by their attorneys.

    It's not as though Ford doesn't love you.

    Ford is just afraid of being sued for theft of intellectual property. There have been many cases where people sued companies because of alleged theft of ideas. Some of these cases are notorious.  (Was Philo Farnsworth's TV concepts stolen by RCA? Did Edison steal his electrical engineering ideas from Nikola Tesla? ) That is why they will not even consider ideas from the public.

    Ford employs many advertising agencies. These agencies will also reject any ideas from the public, for the same reasons.

  4. Large companies like that are not usually just open for suggestions.  You will need to get a degree in advertising then obtain a job there before they value your opinion.

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