
Who do I look to for help?

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I have a passion for teaching children about credit. I know what I would like for them to learn, but i dont think Im the one to teach them. I have owned a collection agency for the last ten years and all ive ever done has had to do with collecting money. I see a similar problem with all my past due customers. I feel I can educate children about these particular issues and help our economy starting at the roots. My question is, who would I get to pass my message on to these children, if im not an adequite teacher? This is a non profit business and i understand we will need lots of help in our journey. Im looking for start up ideas on this situation. Thanks for your imput.




  1. I learned from my parents.  I think you need to convince the parents that this is their duty.  My grown children know not to borrow via a credit card and the importance of having a good credit record.

  2. I think you would be the ideal person to actually teach kids! You've heard all the excuses and lies people who are in debt tell themselves and can therefore know what to tell the kids. If there is a community center in your area that would be a good place to start. Your local church may be another place. I think that not only children should benefit from learning about credit but adults too. Another thing is if you have a local newspaper or circulars you can start writing articles or advertising your seminars on there.

    You might encounter some resistance at first since people will be bitter that you own a collection agency...and some will question why you are looking to put yourself out of business, so to speak. You might want to address the concerns and issues people will initially have with you. It might be hard for most to understand that you wouldn't be in business if they made sound money decisions....we have a tenderncy to blame others for our own shortcomings so don't be surprised if some make you a scape goat or try to deter you from your main goal.

    I am sure there are other people already doing what you want. Some research will show you who they are and you can start networking with them. Good luck! Its a noble idea to want the children to avoid the shackles of debt!  

  3. Thats a great idea!

    I think even going to highschools and proposing your idea they might agree that it is educational for young adults to learn about important spending and saving habbits now that their young.

    They might be open to you holding a seminar for students and parents or they might suggest someting else as well.

    Good luck

  4. Go to you local schools.  Grade schools, high schools even colleges.  Speak to the business/econ departments about giving seminars about what you do and why people don't want to receive a call from you.  No offense, but if you are calling someone about money they  did something wrong.  Or, teach the teachers about how loans, money and debt work.  I got out of 4 years of high school and 9 years of higher education and was ignorant about the most basic financial information needed to make simple decisions.   I, like probably everyone reading this, made all the same stupid mistakes our parents made.  Many parents are still making the same stupid mistakes today.  So, I don't see the parents teaching the child this.  Children did not help create this credit card, car loan and real estate debacle we are experiencing today.  Many parents, and other adults, are circling the drain.  

    Don't be surprise if the teachers are not the most receptive.  They may feel you are stepping on toes and suggesting they are not teaching the kids what they need to know.  You and I know they aren't. But, the truth hurts sometimes.

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