
Who do La Raza think they are fooling? They advocate the extermination of "Gringos", yet politicians seek them

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Who do La Raza think they are fooling? They advocate the extermination of "Gringos", yet politicians seek them




  1. I can work with La Raza, at least I know where I stand with them. They hate me, and I have a moral obligation to resist their demands at all costs.  

    As to who they are fooling no one, but the spineless less-than-men that run our political Establishment are not about to be called racist for calling racists, racist--unless they are White racists, in which case then the name calling is mandatory.

    It is a joke and seriously limits my ability to believe the equality cults dogma.  All are equal unless you are a White male and then you are not only less than--de facto and de jure--you are THE EVIL!! Madness!

  2. themselves and to politicians that's all that they actually say "gringo"? that's ridiculous.....that's like me calling an american mexican a "wet back"...people are so racist :(

  3. Libs, having decended from the likes of the Confederacy and the KKK (read a history book if you think otherwise), are so ashamed of their party's heritage that they now feel that "whitey" must pay for all of their ancestors' crimes and so not only tolerate racist groups like La Raza, but encourage and help them because they are anti-caucasian.

  4. They are fooling illiterate illegal aliens into thinking they have citizen's rights.

    They are fooling our government into funding grants they in turn use to fund charter schools that teach anti-USA racist propaganda.

  5. You mean they have the right to be "racially aware"?

    What about whites?  I'm not just gonna wait til whites become the ethnic minority in this country.

  6. Politicians are Dem's and LA Raza there the 1s that are fooled look who's being deported>Not the USA citizens>> Keep up the protests there working make you more visible>

  7. they are racists

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