
Who do Religious people thank god for procreation?

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When in Genesis it clearly proves that the Serpent was the one who taught Adam and Eve about s*x. Why don't they thank the Serpent? The god of Jesus was against it.




  1. You need to make a total 380 degree turn from what your mind perceived from reading the book of Genesis.

    Satan never taught Adam and Eve about s*x. Satan deceived them in their minds (which I believe satan is doing to you)

    There's no such thing as selfish to praise God he made us hasn't he?

    Besides that in the new testament the word speaks about after marriage the bed is undefiled. No where in the bible it states the devil taught s*x to adam and eve. After eating the fruit they new they were naked yea, but, that's what happens after they know what's good from bad.

    Due to satan people are going to h**l. because of his temptation. Why would I praise a devil that wants to see me burn and rot in h**l. You're taking up for a devil who's laughing at u for it and then wants u to burn in h**l and become tortured and terrified.

    P.S. It would be a cold day in h**l the moment I ever start THINKING  of praising a devil who's soul purpose is to put me through h**l on earth and manipulate me to go to h**l after the h**l here on earth is over

    May God find u and bless u real good.

  2. It wasn't the serpent who taught them s*x, it was God.

    God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."-Genesis 1:28

    God created s*x as a healthy physical and spiritual act that is used to strengthen the bond between husband and wife, and to bring children into the world.  It is sin that perverts what God created good.

  3. How do you figure that the serpent taught them about s*x?

    The only thing the serpent did was tempt them into eating the fruit from the tree of life.  The serpent is responsible for the first sin, not the first s*x.

    Check your facts and try again.

  4. you've got it backwards. the serpent screwed it up. there was no pain in child birth, and they walked around without clothes. then the serpent comes along and messes it all up.  

  5. How are you coming to the conclusion that the serpent taught Adm and eve about s*x? with all the other mentions of s*x in the Bible- I find it hard to beleive they would use fruit as a metephore.

  6. Because they think everything is from God. They thank God for the lights, television, electricity, water, and food, while dad/mom sit there like some foolish middle-men that didn't put in more effort.

  7. I don't think you can make a accurate argument that the serpent taught Adam and Eve about s*x.  I don't think the serpent taught them anything.  Actually, A&E realized that they were naked, but that is figurative language talking about their realization that they were vulnerable.  s*x isn't part of that passage at all.

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