
Who do U think is to blame for the Yankee mess? Cashman, Girardi or Other?

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Please dont say no one, because $208 million isnt peanuts.




  1. Everybody. The yankees are awful. They can't change that. It's like seeing Darth Vader suddenly cross over to the light side.

  2. Steinbrenner excessive willingness to go to far to win the world series. He let cashman spend a lot of money on old broken down players and trade for big stars at the expense of the farm system. They got players in free agency like giambi, pavano, sheffield, hawkins, farnsworth etc and brought in randy johnson who was old at the time and didnt really want to be there. They let the old yankees values of the 90's of using your farm system to get players for the big team ex. jeter, rivera, pettitte, posada. Cashman went on since 2001 to trade guys like jake westbrook, juan rivera, nick johnson, christian guzman and other mlb talent. giradi and the team is not at complete fault but cashman and steinbrenner since 2001 method of win at all cost is the real reason. Now they are getting back to farm system with melky cabrea, Phil Hughes, Ian kennedy and gardner and others who are waiting in the wings but this might take 1-3 years to pan out so i think maybe this season might be a preview of the up comming seasons until they straighten out there system of winning and its going to have to include the farm system and smarter free agent signings.  

  3. I blame Cashman doe some of the players he bought to the team that where useless as well as the players themselves for not performing at the level everyone knows they can perform.

  4. Maybe a little bit of everything and injuries.

  5. As most of the others have said, it's the injuries.  When more than a few of your top players have to sit, it's amazing they still sit where they are.  Do I think they'll make the playoffs?  No, but there's still quite a bit of baseball to play and look what happened with the Rockies last year.  All it takes is for a few teams to struggle and the Yanks to get hot, which they can do with that team.

  6. The reason their where their at is sitting in LA with his team in the playoff hunt.Joe Torre should of not been let go...

  7. I think its cashman he needs to get some new player s to fill in for the hurt players . xavier nady wont cut it

  8. It's team-wide inconsistency. Too many players haven't gotten clutch hits with runners in scoring position. But the injury bug cannot be ignored, whether you hate the Yankees or not.

    And again, for all you haters, a high payroll doesn't mean anything except that you have well-compensated employees. Well-paid players don't guarantee you ANYTHING. But paying players a lot is not trying to "buy" a championship. It's paying players for the services in the hopes that you'll win a championship and/or bring in fans. You can't buy championships and the Yankees have NOT done that. Ever!  

  9. There been plenty of injuries that hit the Yankees. If the had a healthy rotation then they would probably be up a couple of games. Players such as Wang, Damon, Chamberlain, Pettitte have hit the DL and you can't blame them.  

  10. Hitters such as Alex Rodriguez and Robinson Cano. You gotta look deep into the stats. When Runners are in scoring position neither can hit. I dont care what the averages are because if its a clutch situation THIS YEAR neither will go through with it and hit.

  11. you can blame the injuries and the offense.

  12. Injuries

  13. its not girardi or cashman. its the offense were just slumping were not consistent. are pitching has been great but its are gitting now. were unbeatable when clicking on all cylinders we got 39 games left i think if we win 30 which we are capable of doing but girardi has really got to give a lecture to his team and really tellem to step up. today was a starting point for the yanks it was the beginning of a 40 game season and they won the opener they have to go 29-10 to get in. and i think they can if mussina and ponson pitch like they have petite gotta step up like last year well get joba back and as for our with guy idk but but we have to do is win every 3 outta 4 games. and it starts with girardi telling his team that there still in it focus and play good baseball and its up to the players and if they got 39 game left inem

  14. The players  many of the Yankees have been Hurt this season , that's something that unavoidable, the Yankee Players have not been consistent

    Girardi , people say he has done an okay Job , but Honestly i expect WAY MORE from him and the Record he has is NOT Acceptable in any way

  15. C'mon, they were hit hard with injuries. No one is at fault. I'm not a Yankee fan, that's what happened. Same for the Tigers losing Bonderman to a blood clot, out all year. May not ever pitch again.

  16. I think mostly Girardi because he has to have some time to settlie in but injuries have also hurt them a lot.

  17. The blame is as follows in order from most to least able to blame:

    1) The players. Who cares that there have been injuries? Does that mean you stop hitting with RISP? NO! Does that mean you stop playing defense? NO! Does that mean you give up? NO! I don't care about injuries! s***w that, you should still play baseball, not T-Ball! Yes, there have been injuries but the rest of the team should get over it and play.

    2) Girardi. Hello, GI Joe needs to learn to manage. You don't sit the leading hitter in the AL and the best on your team (Damon) with 41 games to go and in 3rd place in the AL East and 5.5 games back of the WC. These are professionals, they need to play. Also, he needs to get over his obsession with Betimet and Giambi. THEY SUCK! Put someone who can HIT THE DANG ball in the lineup! He has no fire and the teams senses it. Start lighting the fire under these guy's butts or leave New York. Yell, scream, kick, but don't just let it all happen! God I could manage better than him!

    Cashman should not be blamed. The FA market was c**p this past year and he had no choice but to go in with who he had. I do think he regrets trading Melky (Sucky) Cabrera and Ian (I'm the best but can't pitch) Kennedy for Johan Santana, but you can't blame him for the poor  performance of the team. He has done all he can to help this team with Nady, Marte (who by the way is proving to be a bust), and Pudge. You can not blame him.

    Blame the team and the coaching staff. They all need to get their butts kicked.

    Start benching your players and let the AAA guys play if the vets don't want to. Let them see how it feels to watch a sucky team. The only problem, the AAA guys will actually play to win, not just for a pay check.

  18. I say Wang for getting hurt. He was the ace and he fell leaving the Yankees not confident. Then they lost lost lost. And they are where they are at now

  19. Steinbrenner.  He's giving players more and more money, even though they aren't bringing home the big trophy.  He should be able to buy the World Series trophy with 208 million dollars.  There was controversy about Reggie Jackson getting paid too much money, but at least he won a couple of Series for the Yanks.

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