
Who do admire more: Brat Pitt for his rebuilding project in N.Orleans or rightwingers who criticize the poor?

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Lots of rightwingers criticized N.Orleans folks who didn't have bus fare or anywhere to go out of N.O. to escape the storm. Barbara Bush said letting them stay in the Arena was working out pretty well for them since they were underpriviledged anyway.

Do you cons really admire those views more than

"Hollyweird" Brad and Angelina trying to rebuild?




  1. we right wingers just try to let the libs and ne'er do wells know that they should always be self-reliant and not so dependent on the government. that is not mean or lacking of compassion. in fact, its the most compassionant thing we can do for everyone. i admire mr. pitt's charitable stance. he's a private citizen helping others. thats what we all need to do. but the governments role is not to give money and houses to people simply because they failed to plan and work for a future that took danger into account!

  2. Leftwingers that keep their mouth shut about thing they know nothing about.

  3. let's face it,at the amount of money brad and angelina have, are they really doing something?

    or are they just trying to go to bed thinking ok about themselves?

    if you want to help with all your heart,you will completely devote yourself to one cause,not just donate a necklace you don't care for or build a house out of your spare cash.

    How are they looking at things?

    Do they say "Oh,i got a bonus at this movie.Let's do something good for the people"?

    How will we know???

    I can't appreciate the "rightwingers",they're just a pile of talking S**t

    But i can't appreciate the couple either.

    Still,they are helping rebuild and the homeless people must be grateful.

    Anyways,i have the tendency to be cheap in the appreciation area since everybody is so generous to them.

  4. Brad Pitt is an idiot, and I fervently hope that New Orleans sinks back into the swamp from which it came.

  5. how bout if they both suck?

    Brad Pitt and his ilk spend a weekend or two and a very minor portion of their income and think that they are doing some huge amount of good.

    Consevatives tell it like it is (mostly) but lack compassion.

  6. Hundreds of thousands of conservative Christians went to New Orleans to help with the rescue effort, relief efforts (leading convoys full of food and medical supplies), and provided shelter for the homeless there, and are even now working on the rebuilding of the city. Your characterization of all conservatives is not only wrong but an insult. Conservatives far outnumber people on the left in charitable relief on such projects. I know that from personal experience.

  7. cons admire no one but themselves. they continually "stroke" each other and themselves as justification for their hideous lack of compassion. there is always something wrong with people who are poor, or uneducated, or medically unable to work for a living.

    barbara bush isn't a conservative. she is an ultra rich mama that is as much in touch with her belly button as she is with the real world. anybody that could produce that living vomit child of hers is truly an alien. i am surprised that he didn't erupt from her sagging b***s and scurry under the dishwasher.

    at least brad and angelina are easy on the eyes, and with the help of editing, produce some entertaining films to distract the population from the abortion of the world that her son has produced.

    if the population of n.o. was white and texan, it would have been rebuilt in three weeks. they saw that storm coming for a week, and the weather channel broadcast nothing but katrina coming for two days. but the bush administration didn't know anything. if katrina was a terrorist, we would have had the forces in iraq back in the us in 36 hours.

    cons see what they want to see. monkey boy as president, saint ronald as jesus, and laura bush as mary.

  8. The right wingers, because they do far more than just criticize the poor.

  9. I know that I do.

    Lets face it, it was 2 years ago, and the "victims" are still looking for government handouts.

    They weren't "underpriviledged" they were scum living on welfare.  There's a huge difference.

  10. As a conservative who lives in Houston I absolutley have a right to complain about the people from N.O.  I know there's good, responsible people that happen to also be poor from NO but unfortunatley they are not the ones that ended up in Houston.  The ones that did are living off of FEMA vouchers and committing terrible crimes. So Brad Pitt can suck it. He should come to Houston and rebuild the damage that the aftermath of Katrina left on us if he really gives a s**t.

  11. If the weatherman told me a hurricane was hitting my below sea-level city in three days, and I didn't have a car....

    I would WALK to safety if I had to.  I could cover 40 miles in three days.

    To simply stay in your home in that situation is just asking for trouble.

  12. Im a Right winger but live in a slum in upstate NY,i Know that The US people love 2 hate.The GOP dont critisize the poor, we aknoledge the fact that lazy, more than eligible working men rather complain about "Being Poor" & "Pres.Bush Hates Us" Than doing somthing about it and work hard 2 live right. America was the country that foreiners used 2 come 2 to start a new life, yet we expect The US to give us hand outs while we do nothing to help ourselves.So Americas got its poor...Ask Mr. Mogul Brad Pitt 4 some of his "Hard Earned" Money,he hates bush,so let him become president if u like him so shure he can combat the terrorist threat 2.....

  13. Now the person I respect in New Orleans is the leader who vehemently warns against building below sea level again. Or, at least build all housing on supports that keep the actual dwellings above sea level.

    We have no guarantee that any system of water barriers will consistently hold through very intense storms.

    Yes, to some extent we will repeatedly return to aid, but should it have to be a rebuilding project next time?

    Now I do not fit into your category of right or left fanatic. It makes no sense for either to be bulldozing ahead without careful thought as to what the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi can do to homes built below sea level.

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