
Who do drag queens date?

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This is not meant to be offensive. I'm honestly curious. A drag queen is a g*y man who "has too much style for one gender" (to quote To Wong Foo), and enjoys dressing like a woman, correct?

So I would think that means they would date other g*y men - but how would a g*y man feel about dating a man who dresses like a woman? I know not all drag queens dress in drag ALL the time, but some do don't they? Would a drag queen date another drag queen?

Seriously, I intend absolutely no offense. I'm honestly just curious and figured it couldn't hurt to just ask:)




  1. who do "butch" lesbians date? usually other "butch" types... likewise drags usually end up with other drags unless they are exceptionally hot then they have a shot at bisexual men... usually their first preference is straight-acting g*y men.

  2. I've known two "drag queens" in my life...

    One was a married man - totally heterosexual and happy in his marriage who enjoyed dressing up on Saturday nights and performing in drag.

    The other was a g*y man who eventually opted to become transgender (surgery to become more like a woman) - he dressed permanently like a women (ie in drag).  His dates were STRAIGHT men - even though he still had his p***s etc etc!!!!  I am told that this is very common for g*y drag queens - they dont date among themselves and they get attention mostly from straight men.

  3. Um... they date whoever they are attracted to.

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