
Who do ex's and past relationship play such a role in our life?

by  |  earlier

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me and my boyfriend of a few months broke up last night due to silly fights, and a lot of things came out such as him not liking the fights because they reminded him of being with his ex and comparing our relationship to theirs, and me admitting that I didnt like it when he went out with certain male friends as they were womanisers and I have trust issues from mypast relationships.... I know we werent meant to be, so am ok with the breakup, but just wondering - for long into future relationships do you think previous relationships can play a role??





  1. Well it will sometimes play role as memories can not be clean from the minds so in some moments of life it tease you and the person and disturbs a bit but if you have trust in your relationship than every difficult situation  and moment can be manage easily.......but onething do not leave the person alone in this time as this is the time he needs you the most!

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