
Who do hardcore SUV hater's call when they have to move a filing cabinet and a kitchen table and chairs?

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Just wondering.....Do they make 6 trips in the Prius?




  1. no i get one of my mates with a ute to give me a hand. i have no problem with you buying a 4WD if you actually use it but if you are just going to drive down to the corner store i think its a bit of a waste.

    BTW i would need to own a Prius before i could make those 6 trips.

  2. There's nothing wrong with owning an SUV or a truck, if you actually use its' capabilities.

    What's wrong is people buying them to take one person to the grocery store.  Buying them because it makes them feel important.

    If everyone just bought the smallest car that meets their needs, we be a whole lot better off.

  3. I can move all that in my 4 cylinder pickup that gets 32 miles per gallon much easier than a SUV could since I don't have height restrictions like the inside of a vehicle has.   Plus I don't have a buch of seats in the way.      How many people need to move that furnature every day anyway?    Is it really worth buying a $45,000 vehicle on the off chance you might need to move a little furnature once in awhile?    I'll tell you now it would be cheaper to rent a u-haul for a month each time instead.

  4. An example of how wasteful and SUV is, if you had a diesel VW Golf you could rent an SUV for a day every couple of weeks on the fuel savings alone. Or you could just rend a trailer which would easily fit all the things mentioned, no SUV required.

    As for the Prius, we have them at work and their not that good, the fuel economy is not as good as most of the similar sized diesels and only about the same as the petrol Peugeot hatch and all these cars drive and handle better that the prius.

  5. A stationwagon?

    Edit: Get a trailer to hitch onto the Prius.

  6. Nah. That's why god invented the pickup truck. Anything that can't handle, go to Avis.

  7. I grow great tasting tomatoes.  Lots of them in the summer.  Forty plants.  I give tomatoes to my neighbors.  for free.  They are hard core Republicans, And I am a liberal democrat.

    They don't care what political party I belong to.   They will move anything of mine if I keep giving them those great tasting tomatoes.

    That's how people get along.

  8. Yes this is my truck. And no I won't help you move.

    It doesn't matter. Global warming alarmists live in caves, they don't have any of those things. Except Al Gore.

  9. Rent a truck, U haul ???? when will those guys get business.

    Unless of course you are in the moving business then instead of SUV you need a small truck.

  10. Like always  they will call a friend

  11. NoBama is right.  This doesn't really have anything to do with global warming.  You do realize many people who don't believe in AGW still drive small cars for other reasons, right?  This question belongs in the;_ylt=Ai7We... ,but you were probably trying to make some kind of rhetorical question to make some point.  I'll answer anyways.

    With gas savings acculmulated over the year it would take MUCH, MUCH more than six trips to waste as much money and time as you would on gas trips for a SUV over the period of owning for a year.  You could also rent one if time is a factor.  So yes if you rarely move things it would much more sense than driving around with much more capibility than you need 362/365% of the time.

    5_for_fighting, While SUVs are improving they still are not the safest vehicle (if you are going for no fatalities), so that doesn't really make sense.  And the really sad thing is many SUV drivers even those driving some of the least safe vehicles on the road such as the Chevy Blazer 2d (the # 1 most fatalities) will claim they bought one for the safety.  "Overall, midsize and large luxury cars have the lowest death rates, according to the Institute, while small 4-door cars have the highest death rates. . . .The vehicles with the lowest death rates were the General Motors' (Charts, Fortune 500) Chevrolet Astro van, the Infiniti G35 sedan, the BMW 7-series sedan and the Audi A4/S4 Quattro. The Astro, a full-sized van, had a death rate of 7 per million. The Audi A4/S4 had 14 deaths per million registered cars. . . .The vehicles with the highest fatality rates were 2-door, 2-wheel-drive versions of the Chevrolet Blazer small SUV...Death rates for those cars ranged from 232 per million for the Blazer..."  

    I won't even go into the added dangers to other vehicles on the road.

  12. I find it much easier to move large items with a pick-up than a SUV.  If I can't borrow one, I rent one.  But the other 99.99% of the time I require moving a few bodies from point A to point B, I do so in a highly economical hybrid that saves me money and saves the planet from CO2 emissions.

    I have no problem with anyone who has an SUV and actually puts it to good use.  But the person that requires a Hummer to haul their 150 lb rear-end 10 miles to the grocery store just to pick-up a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread is a whole different story.

  13. Yet again, the socialist AGW alarmists are trying to tell us how to live.  Time and again I have read how it is OK to own an SUV if you put it to good use.  How about protection?  Is that a good use for any vehicle?  Maybe a soccer mom wants to protect her children in a safer vehicle while she drives her 150 lb. rear end to the grocery store.  Who are you to judge whether that is good use or not?  Thanks for showing us once again the true agenda of the alarmist lobby.

    And thanks for also showing us the hypocrisy of the alarmist orthodoxy.  It's not OK for a soccer mom to haul her kids around in a SUV, but it is OK for Algore to haul his enormous behind around in a private jet and SUV's.  I bet he serves Kool-Aid on his jet.

  14. i love my truck, it gets about 1 tankful to a foot. oh man you should see the cloud of dirt smog c**p it spews when it starts up.

  15. SUV hating is stupid. As stupid as using your SUV to go to the store to pick up cigarettes. Everything in moderation!

  16. Wrong section.

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